Emphasis By GD27 ShOckWavE Emphasis is my final map on Foundry and I consider it to be my best. It flows a lot better than any of my previous maps and it will definately grab you're party's attention from the start of the game, all the way to the end. The unique design of Emphasis creates alot of multifloored fighting and does a great job of forcing players to work as a team. I recommend all to download and give it a try! I started working Emphasis on November 1st. Progression slowed because I got the red ring of death TWICE! I forged and refored trying to make the map perfect and after countless hours of my mom yelling at me to get off my xbox, I believe I got as close as I could get. I actually don't remember haing any problems with the budget. The is NOT a budget glitche map andI think i used every penny as well as I could. Weapons and Equiptment: One sniper (2 extra clips) One rocket launcher (1 extra clip) One mauler (1 extra clip) Two plasma rifles Many BRs and Carbines One power drain One regenerator The shotgun seemed way to overpowering on the map due to its different rooms/parts so I tried a mauler and it worked much better. The sniper is just to the left of the sniper tower leaning against a wall. Both teams have an equal chance of getting to it. Same with the rockets. The regenerator is just in front of the Attacker's base and the power drain is just below the Defender's base. I recommend: Team Slayer, FFA slayer, One flag, One bomb, Team King, FFA king, Team Snipers, and Team SWAT. Emphasis supports all gametypes too. Pictures: Overview of the courtyard. (sniper tower on the right) Under the defender's base View of the Rocket base Bridge connecting the Rocket base to the Attaker's base. Front of the Attacker's base. The Attacker's base Sniper Tower (we moved the sniper over so it spawns to the right and behind the sniper Tower). Flag spawn Defender's return point. Special thanks to AZN FTW for teaching me the nature of spawns. I believe I did them pretty well on the map, thanks to Phoraphobia for being there to test every time I spamed you will invites. Screw you SirToppum Hat for trying to break my map. Download here Also, check this map out at Atlas Here Thanks.
This looks extremely nice. I like your forging styles, your maps look as if they are Forerunner made. Everything looks well executed, all seem planned to perfection. I like your decision to place a Mauler instead of a Shotgun because I myself do not use Shotguns on my maps instead I prefer Maulers more. Most structures are amazingly built and are really pleasing to the eye. Those catwalks made of two stairs are kinda over used, you could have chose a different approach. Overall, I think that this map would play great and would promise really balanced games. I will certainly look forward to see your future Sandbox maps, although I am quite sad that this one's your last Foundry map. Great job.
wow, amazing map, I love it, sad to see it's your last foundry. I see you changed your name! well, the map is amazing and I love the standing up BR. I see lots of fancy merges...maybe a premium? this map is by far the best map lately, can't wait to see some of your sandbox maps! 5/5
I like the map a lot. I don't believe I've seen any of your other map, but from what I can see on this one, they are very well made. Great Merging and interlocking. As Frigid said, I too like that you chose to use a mauler instead of a shotgun, a shotgun is always too overpowering on smallish maps, but the mauler is very well balanced. The merging in the last pic is amazing. I will definately download this later and play a few games on it. Good Job on the map and post. Keep Forging.
nice map, you know what you are doing. i like how you combined geomerging and interlocking to create a kind of map where there is always something going on. i downloaded this and tried it out, we played 2v2 one flag and swat on it. both were hectic, even for just 4 people. good job and have fun on sandbox. 4.5/5
"I've been wondering when your next map would be out" Ok so lately I haven't been post comments on that many maps (on the spectacular ones) because I've just been so twisted up with the Mythic map pack. I have to say this is your best work of art. before I downloaded it I knew the map would be more than amazing. After I downloaded it and got a 3v3 game of slayer on it I found it to be more than fun. Trust me they'll be more games to be played on this map from me. And during the game I was having so many questions like.."how did he geo-merge the weapon holder" and I couldn't reply to them because I had know idea. So great job on that As for the gameplay it was incredible you right the map did flow better than any other you've made. There wasn't a problem with the spawns, which makes the map so much more enjoyable. The weapon balance was solid, and I'm glad you decided to go with the mauler becuase I would have to agree that a shotgun would be way to overpowering. The athestics were more than amazing, and you defenitly made it impossible to see from one side to the other, which makes spawn killing not a problem. The athestics I've never seen done before were incredible. I would like to congrauate you on your job well done. I wouldn't be surprised if this got featured. very immpressive map
I really like this map. The aesthetics are wonderfully built, and the gameplay looks like a blast. Although the geomerging isn't the cleanest in some places, then smooth interlocking makes up for it. It looks like a solid map. Good job, Shockwave.
Amazing map! First I would like to say that seeing this I would like to see some great maps like these in the future, and great job. The map design is outstanding and the gameplay seems smooth, I condemn you with a 5/5 for the whole thing and around 9-9.5/10 for your interlocking and map design!
This is a really good map. Just by looking at the pictures, it seams like you have great forging skills. I especially like your geo-merging. The fence-box in the flag return point was cool, along with the angled merges (that were 1n+3rLoX3d). And as stated above, the stair structure is over-used, but you executed it nicely. Good Job! 4.9/5
Yes, with the shotgun, defenders tended to camp and it was way to powerful to support a balenced one flag game. A mauler was definately a smart move
did you build this map mainly for flag our slayer? and if you say you had booth in mind, then ill facepalm you so hard, you'll have a concussion
to me this is an awsome map deservent of a feature, it's gameplay along with it's epic weapon placement is flawless great job shockwave hope this goes far
This map was obviously overlooked because everyone wanted to be little whores and post EVERY sandbox map that came out of there little heads (and I'm not talking about the one on there shoulders). This map should be feachzored but since, aleast I think, you picked a bad time to release it and that is why the feachzoredness did not come true. Awesome Map, feature worthy. FH community, stop paying attention to ONLY Sandboxxxness.
K, I remember you telling me to check this out, sorry it took so long. I really like this map, it deserves its 5 star rank. Your merging is smooth and seems well thought out, rather than a bunch of random structures. I like the fencebox merge in the room giving you some room to go in there yet you cant stay in there and camp the whole game. overall, my only 'if', is the open areas, they seem a little large yet they do look spread out evenly in a good manner so its not too bad. maybe like some crates or a forklift somewhere wouldnt hurt, but I understand the budget problem. Its really not a big deal, so graet job and we need to see this in Matchmaking.
Thankyou. The budget is not a problem and I could easily slip some movable objects in there however I will not because the gameplay is a perfect as I can geet it and movable objects are known to break flow if they aren't used in specific purposes (the crate to jump on in Grindstone for example). Gotta admit though. Some of those Sandbox maps are PRETTY sexy. Agreed that many foundry maps are overlooked but thats human nature. Out with the old: In with the new. They wanna see Sandbox and its interfering with popularity with maps in this baren warehouse Foundry is. If it doesn't get featured, don't blam Sandbox. I am sure many staff members have seen the map and it is there decision wheter it should be featured or not. I am glad you think it is worthy though!
Beautiful map design! Very polished and thought through... It doesn't seem like you made it up as you went along, it really looks like you thought about it and made your map accordingly... Great map!