Behemoth Download Map-Behemoth Download Gametype-Beast Hello Forge hub this is my first map i have ever posted and i hope you take the time to play it and check it out. Behemoth is a map designed for the VIP gametype that i created, Beast. Its a three team game that puts one team on defense against two teams of attackers. The defenders spawn with swords and have carbines, beam rifles and sentinel beams at their disposal. They can also get into ghosts to protect their VIP. The VIP has 4x overshields and 2000% damage resistance but no shield recharge. Oh he also his own wraith. The Attackers spawn with plasma pistols and bruteshots, but they also have rockets, fuel rods, and spartan lasers in their base as well as grenades, power drainers, trip mines, active camouflage, and an over shield. Before you bash on this map for the armories remember its supposed to be fun not serious. The game is broken into 3 five minute rounds and you gain points by surviving the round(VIP) or killing the VIP(attackers). Recommended for 2-16 players. Please Note: you need to change the amount of rounds from 3 down to 2 for two team games. Now for pictures!!!!: Attackers base the teleporter takes you to the picture below. in there is a gravity hammer The defenders base with the weapons and the ghosts the teleporter is blocked 30 sec into game so the ghosts are a one time thing . The wraith and the defender platform. Thanks for reading and please download this it's a lot of fun and I've put a lot of time into perfecting this. Enjoy and have fun.
Looks like it could be an interesting map, i like the use of three teams as this is very rarely used on halo. I understand its meant to be fun and everythin but it looks like the wraith could rape a little as i cant see any cover on the main floor, in the future you might wanna put some more pictures so we can see the overall map. Also can the two attacking teams kill each other aswell as this makes it even harder to kill the viP. Cool idea though man
well the VIP gets points for surviving the round and the attackers gets points for killing the VIP nothing else gives you points but you can kill the other team but its just a waste of ammo.
Needs more pics so we can see the entire map. And for improvement... Instead of blocking the teleporter you could just set the ghosts to never respawn. The armory is okay in this instance I suppose but giving the attackers all those weapons seems overpowering.
Although with this amount of weapons, a well organized and tactical team can easily kill a wraith. Doesn't looks great in my opinion... You need more pics because I picture most of it as empty space, and there's definetly an overabundance of weapons and vehicles. 2/5 for me...:S
the map looks like it has potential to be a mess around map. unfortunately i cant even give it that. you need to put more thought into your maps. let me know if you need help with forging