If you find this guide useful, try Zanitors guide to Geo-tapping on Sandbox. I've found a new way to geomerge in the skybubble, I would post this in Forging 101 but I can't, anyway. To do this first of all so that you know how it works, load up the map, and enter the Sky Bubble, from here place any object that you can stand on and isn't moveable. Now spawn a trip mine and overload the map, the way to do this, is to spawn a trip mine, highlight it, press X, then X again, and set the Run Time Minimum to the same number as the Run Time Maximum. Then stand where the trip mine spawns, and keep pressing X, or whatever button it is that you use to use a piece of equipment. It may take quite a while but you should notice that after some time the blue grid disappears, or the trip mines blow up. Also for some reason the object you are standing on disappears (it reappears soon) and you fall to your death if you aren't blown up. But when you return to the Sky Bubble, you should notice the object you originally placed, now you need to hover and object over where you want it geomerged, and press START, without letting the object go, after that go down to SAVE, or SAVE AS NEW MAP... and after you have saved, quit the game, once you start the game again, the grid should have returned and your object should be were you geomerged it. Have fun forging, If you find this guide useful, try Zanitors guide to Geo-tapping on Sandbox. Dave the Rave52
Well this is a very good find. One question I have to ask is if geomerging is really necessary in the sky bubble? With the great palette list one should be able to place a wall at the height of the floor rather than merge a box down. I will definitely use this technique when necessary. Possibly the staff could use this concept and write up a forging 101 for it!
Wow. That's bloody brilliant. I never would have thought about overloading the grid out. This could make for some interesting geometry. I presume even though the grid isn't there the death barrier still is? And pics please.
I know what you mean, and I undestand, I just thought that it might help because I don't know about anyone else but I hate having to make all of my map float.
I believe that overloading the map turns the sky bubble grid as well as the towers off. Dave the rave should try doing this and then blocking the towers rockets with walls and such. The problem with this technique is that if you mess the merge up you have to go all the way back and overload the map again. You should overload the map save it that way and go block the towers. That would be sick! LIGHTSOUT and Sargent sarcasm were the first ones to mention this.
Pics are up now but I need one more pic for proof which will hopefully be up later, also I wouldn't have thought but me and my mate decided to overload the map and we found that the grid disappeared.
Hrmm well the idea is great but it doesn't add up.Why would you want to geo-glitch up there when nobody could care less on how it looks.Look idea is genius but concept isn't all great.Look remember this a map is avout enjoyment not on how you merge and geo-glitch it so bad and good here oh well.
Am I the only one that sees this as pointless? Or are you guys trying to cover yourselves so that you still have something to judge maps by the pictures only. Needs more geomerging or interlocking 5/5.
so this blocks the gaint tower lazers from killing you?? or does it just over load the sky grid ?? I looks like it make geomerging a lot easyer i think that what im getting out of this thank cant wait till i get the maps what made you think of doing this just ser momnet thing ?? just asking
I can imagine some pretty funny maps using that technique, like mongoose racing where one of the paths looks much quicker but is geomerged below the death barrier, it would be like an invisible kill ball!
I just noticed that the grid disappears when you overload the map, and I decided to see if that would lets you place objects crossing through were the grid normally would be. Also, a proof pic is now up.
Uh..geomerging isn't all about looks. Say you want to have a cover; you could geomerge something halfway down so only part of it comes up. Thats a poor example but still, you get what I mean; with it you can pretty much create any geometry you need. There are dozens of other uses for it too, to say it is only for looks and can't be used to aid enjoyment is stupid.
Geomerging in the sky bubble... Sounds like one of the most useless things I can imagine. Just make your ground floor a box height from the grid, and use an interlock instead of a geomerge if you want something sticking out of the ground.
Alright, then you'd have to make the rest of your map a box high which takes a lot more effort than geomerging that one piece.
I can see how this could be useful but i can also see alot of situations where this is pointless. Like i am making all of my maps an extra box or 2 higher in the skybubble just to create a more realistic falling effect so for people like me this is generally useless
O ya I knew that you could overload the sky bubble but it didn't quite come to me that you could geomerge that way. Brilliant sir. Brilliant.