Here’s another one of my Ghost maps. It’s designed around a gametype I made awhile ago called Zhost. Zhost is an infection variant where the zombies are in Ghosts and the humans have to stick those zombies. Here’s a link to my other Zhost map: Zhost Hill I changed the gametype a bit between the release of this map and my last one. The Zombies now have no swords, only pistols, so stay on your Ghost if you want kills. Another change, in fact a more important change, is that the humans no longer have Plasma Pistols. The combined power of six or so Plasma Pistols raining green energy down upon one or two Ghosts was just too much. Alright so in this map there’s four big main structures that act as bumpers. That’s the theme of this map, you need to use these bumpers to navigate your Ghost. It’s not enough to simply turn around corners, you need to bump into walls if you want to be quick enough to catch the humans. Pay attention to the energy lines left by this Ghost, look at how the Ghost ricochets from shield door to shield door. Chain together bumper hits to keep your movement fluid, you’ll be able to maintain your speed and surprise unsuspecting humans if you treat the bumpers as helpful tools. Devise new paths by hitting the bumpers from various angles. Play in such a way that the bumpers aid your movement. Treat the bumpers as obstacles and you’ll find that the map is difficult to move through, frustrating to navigate. Notice the path the Ghost is on. Instead of stopping to make a sharp turn the driver wisely decided to bounce off a shield door, and now he's headed for a second shield door, allowing him to continue moving without losing momentum. You’ll notice that there’s a second level in this map, and you should also notice that there are no paths leading up that second level. If you want to get up there simply drive your Ghost off one of the fence wall ramps (while boosting) hit the bumper then you should fly backwards onto the overhanging wall. Make sure you release the boost as soon as you hit the bumper, otherwise the backward momentum caused by the bumper will be canceled out by the forward momentum of the booster. I also made VIP variant that goes along with this map. It’s fairly simple, each player is a VIP, and each one of you drive your Ghosts around in an attempt to reach goal zones. Like I said, fairly simple, but there are some goal zones that may be a little tricky to reach. Specifically, two goal zones about half way up two of the bumpers. You’ll need to bounce around a bit if you plan on reaching these goals. And from a different angle For the VIP game I would suggest having no more than four players, otherwise the arena tends to become a bit crowded. The infection games works well with lots of people, but be aware that there are only eight Ghosts on the map, play with more than nine people and some zombies may end up standing around. Map: Zhost Bump Infection: Zhost VIP: VIG
wow, off the hook!!! the map looks so great, the towers are awesome, /w/ the shield doors, i'll have to say, between this, and comm tower, you are the king of towers. gameplay looks fantastic, reminds me of a infection version of gridlocked. it would be awsome if there a was a gametype were humans spawned on top of the towers, with say snipers, and zombies were headshots only, imagine the hyjinks, everything is soo smooth, and i like the shield doors to bump the zhosts, for the win. great map 5/5
That looks very, VERY good! I can't wait to play it. This is gotta be the most original map i've ever seen on forge hub. I personally think this should be featured good job 5/5
a gotta say the design of ur tower looks epic. they must have ben a real pain to make. This looks like a good dl to me. I hope it play aswell as it looks
This map is awesome! You should make more Zhost maps, they are sooo fun! I like the first one better though, because of the super cool jumps, but still, this is an awesome game that will live in my hard drive for ever.
Wow, this map really looks like it would make quite interesting ghost battles. Your shield doors are very strategically placed: serves gameplay... and it looks nice. Your explanation of how to jump, bounce, to the next level was truly entertaining and clever. Nice. You've got my DL.
Looks extremely fun! The course is so well thought out. When I saw the path of the ghost, I really was amazed. It looks like you put so much thought into this. Plus, it's very original. Even the post was nice and informative. Good job.
the one thing i absolutely hated about zhost hill was how the humans had plasma pistols, and could pick up swords of the zhosts. So yay you fixed it. I hoped you put some flame grenades in this map, that would be hilarious
Wow very nice some things i like is the shield doors,stickies and the ghost idea. But there is some unneeded things like the structure. Overall it will get my download.Nice will que.
Looks pretty impressive to me, I like the idea of chasing humans around and bumping off the shields in a ghost
i really like this map. for one i like the structures you built. they are really nice. i like how the shield doors are built into them. you did a very nice job building a game into it. i like how you can bounce around the map too.