Sandrace (Sandbox) BETA (Suggest Name Now) A Highly Dangerous racing map where one wrong turn and off the edge you go! A Dual Race with both Mongeese and Prowlers (Prowler Start). Normally after the jump you abandon your Prowler but if you drive it right you can drive it on top of the tubes and then drop back down and continue in the Prowler! Both Blue and Red Paths have their bonuses and let downs but you have to find them out for yourselves. PS:In the Crypt is a vehicle fun room with a tele to top race. Oh and the Mongeese are in Tubes at Start just after jump. Spawn: First Straight: Jump Landing: Tubes Overhead: Tubes Exit: Red VS Blue: Blue Path: Red Path: Good Driver: Get it Here Any Race Mode Variant will work but one with no damage and such works well. Video Here Youtube Video Coming Soon!!! This Is a BETA UPDATE I'm Glad everyone likes this map, will be updating it and interlocking soon within a week making Crypt Infection ATM. (ATM = At The Moment for anyone who doesn't know that now does. Not Money Machine.) Also @xpwn3r kidx its meant to be thin so people fall off. @Everyone (Who thinks its sloppy. And Not interlocked.) Fixing interlocking and sloppyness soon. This is a Beta. Just wanted to pump it out fast so people who liked it would download my new one and so people who got Halo Wars can play some racing maps straight away. Please Send Name Suggestions.
The posts above mine were deleted for spam, because if you do not yet have the Mythic Maps you are unable to comment on this one. The point of commenting on a map post is to tell the creator what you liked and didn't like, and overall provide feedback. If you cannot play the map, however, than any opinion of the map you provide will be purely speculation gathered from the pictures, something heavily discouraged on these forums. This a warning to everyone, if you do not have the maps do not comment on any Mythic Map variations until after you have had an opportunity to play them. Any comments in regards to the original post (screenshots, description, title etc.) and any posts regarding information on the Mythic Maps should be sent via Private Message or Profile Comment. If not, and instead posted here, posts will be infracted for spam. Thank you (and sorry Fallenrat for this having to be done).
needs moar interlocking. that's my opinion, though. from the pics, i can tell it's an interesting layout. will download and rate. and when you say that you don't need to interlock on sandbox, no. interlocking on sandbox will be what seperated decent maps from superb maps. also it looks like there are no floating objects (my assumption) or banked turns.
do u own the mythic maps? its rly super dooper hard 2 iterlocks in the first day its awesome dude im so using red path.
It's fun but not really a racing map. Its more of a competitive racing map. It's non-double wide track so it's not as fun. At some points it's kind of sloppy. Fix it make it double wide and it would be better. For now 3/5
I had alot of fun with this. Me and my guest had alot of fun and was a great party game. We just kept rotating controlers with 7 people, and everyone liked it
I must agree. Double wide competative race tracks are now the top thing. Roller Coasters and single wide are more for the leasurly hearted. Any ways not bad could use more interlocking. 2.5/5 Thats just my opinion dont be offended.