Get the map RIGHT HERE THIS GAME REQUIRES THE TENCHU Z GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD HERE!! This is my recreation of Tenchu Z. I made the buildings as legit as possible, made sure to stick in the right equipment, and made sure it played amazing. I'd suggest playing 4-8 players because any more than that is overkill. Each player has a sword, poor camo, forced black, 150% speed, 50% gravity, and no radar. Now the pics!!!!!! Overview 1 Overview 2 First off is the storage in the back. It contains a tripmine and a custom powerup. The custom powerup makes you fully visable, but it adds radar. Storage Room Tripmine Custom Powerup Next comes the fence house. It's long and give you a nice view to the other half of the map. Inside the house contains a full camo Fence House The tallest building is the shrine. Within its three layers lies a deployable cover, and a spike grenade. Shrine Behind the shrine lies the large house. Ontop of the roof, there is a flare which is perfect for blinding far off enemies and sneaking up for the kill. Flare House Once over the large house is the C-house. Inside the C is a grav lift which can easily throw off a charging enemy so you make your getaway. C-House Now you've arrived at the shopping district. In between two long rows of shops, theres a camo, and some hiding propane tanks that can add to a misplaced tripmine or spike grenade. Shopping District Now comes the best place to pick out your next target, the guard tower. From up here you can view the action and decide when to sneak in from above and pick out the double kill. Guard Tower I hope you all enjoy this map, have fun and be sure to leave feedback!!
Re: Ogawara - My Tenchu Z remake We do things a bit differently here at ForgeHub. First, your topic title should only be the name of the map, ergo, the name of this topic should simply be Ogawara. Second, you need to embed your pics. That way, people don't have to waste their precious dl space with maps that they don't know anything about, and most people don't like to click a lot. I'm sure this is a great map, but you need to follow those simple rules, and your map post here will be equally good.
The maps looks really nice aesthetically, but I'm not exactly sure how the gameplay would pan out. It looks a bit open but perhaps that was your intention? I would like a bit more detail(just a bit). Information like what is the gametype all about? Is it Slayer, VIP, Infection? Also, what weapons does everyone start with? Gimme a few more details.. Other than that the post looks pretty decent as does the map. Apparently you heeded Nemi-chan's advice. **thumbs up!** -Welcome to ForgeHub- Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
i tried to keep it a bit open so the player had more of a chance to run and jump around. since you have 150% speed and 50% gravity your definitely going to need it. its a slayer map and cant be played as intended if the gametype doesnt go with it. the player is forced black, has poor camo, no radar, no shield, and a sword. the equipment on the map are definitely what makes this map really fun. theres nothing like stopping an enemy from stabbing you by throwing out a deployable cover, and listening to the aftermath. the power equipment (tripmine and spike grenade) have higher respawn times so they cant be spammed out. i'd suggest playing with at least 4 people to get a good feel for the way the map should be played. if youd like i can rock out on live and play the map with you.
Weapon = Sword.. cool thaz what I was wondering. -I would LOVE to jump on Xbox with you, however, mine is broken. If you are wondering why I was critiquing you without having ever played it, answer is I was only tryin to improve your post a bit. Maybe you should add the fact that the weapon is Sword to your original post.maybe.. **thumbs up!** Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
I don't know why, but this map makes me happy. It looks very well made, and I like all the little houses.