Legendary DLC Escarpment

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ForgeGod117, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    The idea for escarpment first came to me when I was floating boxes above the cliff on avalanche and realized that it had some potential. I loaded up every major floating map I could find to see what they did that people like. Then I spent a couple weeks in forge creating the first Escarpment prototype. It was amazing except for a few minor spawn and weapon adjustments. But I wouldn't finish there! After testing a third time I added a rocket platform and a spiker platform to make the map flow well. Cumulatively this map has over 500 hours worth of work put into it not including planning and brainstorming. What is the result of all this hard work. Click the download link and find out!!!​

    My main goal when developing this map was to perfectly combine angles and elevation to create the perfect battlefield. First time you load this map up you will be surprised to find fire-fights from the rocket platform to the spiker platform with bullets flying in between double boxes and such! Players will get assassinated as they fly up from the fuel rod cannon and players will get headshotted from above as they engage another opponent in a BR dual! i recommend you play Escarpment for either 1 vs 1, or 2 vs 2, but it also plays well for FFA slayer with up to 6 people. Objective game types are not recommended but it will work fine for one flag and one bomb. territories and King of the hill are very exciting on this map.​



    When you are running around in first person it is hard to see exactly how large Escarpment is. For scale use this picture. However you are missing the spiker spawn as well as the fuel rod platform. Escarpment uses almost all of the available space above the cliff yet it still remains unbreakable. To my knowledge!​

    Here is another great overview picture. Notice the architecture design. Instead of solid floors I have done double box walkways with holes and gaps to either jump to lower levels or to ride a gravity lift up one. In this picture you can see the fuel rod platform at the very bottom as well as the spiker spawn jutting out of the snow bank! There are tow sets of teleporters. The ones on he outside are together and the two on the inside work together! Teleporters and gravity lifts are necessary in gameplay!​

    This is where one team spawns as well as the spiker spawn. I really like this piece of geometry because it flows really well and there are many options. For instance a player in this section of the map could stay on the snow bank with easy access to the first and second level, or they could grab the spikers and rest on this platform with a good overview of the bottom level. Alternatively the player could walk around the back of this column and hide with their reticule on anybody unlucky enough to pass by on the bottom walkway!​

    This screenshot should give you a basic idea of what the bottom floor is like. Use the teleporter for easy access to the top level and the other side of the map. Going through the gravity lift takes you up to the plasma grenade spawn. The walkway is not angled. The boxes work as steps. If you time your jump right you will be flying along the walkways but if you don't you will hit the edge and be forced to hop up and the extra second could be all it takes when somebody is shooting you with a BR!​

    This screenshot was taken from the top level looking down. Here is the SMG spawn which are an underestimated factor on Escarpment. The teleporter will transport you to the third floor and the gravity lift at the bottom launches you up to the second floor. When you look into the distance you can see an overturned watch tower base. That is the fuel Rod Spawn.​

    Here is a more in depth overview of the Fuel rod spawn. The man cannon has been interlocked with the watch tower base for aesthetics and depending on the angle it can launch you up to the walkways above. Or if you time it perfectly you will glide through the maze of double boxes and land perfectly on the third level. You won't know how to do it until you accidentally do it though! I had much inspiration from Accession to include this.​

    This screen shot was taken on the top level looking towards the back teleporter. Although there is nothing new to see here you should try and really enjoy the beautiful geometry on Escarpment!​

    yes, I am showing off my wall. I actually spent nearly 3 days constructing this thing. The first prototype was only one ramp tall and I kept building onto it until a banshee could not fly over it in some places. The wall is perfectly curved and fits in perfectly with the cliff. I dare you to find a way to break it. As of my knowledge there is no way!​

    Here is an outside picture of the screenshot for scale. It is constructed with 52 items, 4 of which being large watchtower bases and 13 ramps. I think that it is going to keep most breakers in!​

    Action Pictures
    Me getting pwnd by MASTER016. This is a good example of when I say interesting angles and elevation.​

    The ultimate example of karma! Me pwning Master016 with a fuel rod cannon. Another good example of the intensity of this map.​

    He may be a better gun than me but I can walk on walls.​

    Some action at the sniper spawn. he sees me in my sniping point and starts to Carbine me. I rush back around and start BRing him. It was a frenzy that lasted several seconds. It came don to one last bullet. Always bring full ammo to a gun fight!​

    in case you missed it the first time, here it is!
    Download Escarpment
    #1 ForgeGod117, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  2. High Impact

    High Impact Ancient
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    I have to say wow. This looks amazing and I hope it plays amazing too because this is phenomenal looking map. I will definitely download this and comment on gameplay then.
  3. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    your link is broke!
    Edit: you fixed it
    o.k. I played 1v1 on this, and i have to say. I haven't gotten that many fall deaths since i played Interrobang, with my lighting low, upside-down, with a guitar controller. I just would keep trying to jump down and assassinate someone below me, and i would always miss! Not saying that's a bad thing, it's gonna happen a lot on sand box.
    I my 2 favorite things about this map, besides the awesome interlocking, floating ect. I just love that wall, it's so smooth and pretty, I went into cardiac arrest, Twice!
    My other thing i enjoyed was how you used a little of the ground, were that tree is, i loved hiding there and sniping.
    My only gripe is that i sucked so bad for some reason when i played this map, but relating to the map there are none really, it's kind of weird how you did a big display for br and nades at top, but none on fuel rod, our even beam rifle. But that's just a personal gripe for me. It would be cool if you color coded each lv, red bottom so it's the easiest to see, green middle, and blue top. Also a second way to get to top would be nice, like a giant grav lift link from bottom to top, or turn one of those easy to hid in boxes to a elevator. Oh yeah, loved the grav lifts
    a well deserved 5 lemmings out of 5
    #3 penguin asassin, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
  4. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    This has a really good EPIC feel to it. It is a very large-scale map, and it looks extremely cool. More and more floating maps are coming out of Avalanche, and they keep getting better and better. This is no exception. I like that there are many ways to quickly travers this maps expansive elevation. The only complaint I have is that I would like a detailed weapons list. This map is very good, and you have earned yourself a download good sir. Grea Job Again, on the mapand the post. Keep Forging Forgegod.

    New Complaint: Link Broken, Sad Faice
    #4 The Number 0000, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
  5. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Looks epic. I really like maps like these on Blackout, and it's nice to see one made so well on Avalanche.

    Great job.
  6. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    take that sky bubble!
    great map, i love the vertical aspect of it all
    great merging etc.
    ????would it look better with filters
    the energybarrier-ramp-energybarrier-ramp wall looks pretty cool too.
  7. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Whoa, the first impression I got was an absolute disaster, but this is good :) I haven't seen this "entangled" layout before. For a messed up impression, this map was actually pretty smooth; it's obvious you put some time into it. There isn't really a particular part I liked most, its all very unique, although I was very excited to see that you actually used a fuel rod cannon- it hardly ever gets used :(. And your "wall" looks truely epic, but this is ForgeGod I'm talking about *rolls eyes*. You've got my DL.
  8. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    This looks like a very intresting enviornment for players to experience, and the wall is fantasticly built. My word of constructive critisism though would be the neatness of the boxes, while it has its own look to it, I think that it could be fixed up in a few places, as it looks like you did not put too much attention into lining up edges with each other.
  9. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    This looks really confusing, which I'm sure makes it cool. I like this map alot. I think teleporters would make it even more confusing and fun. I'm sure it's cool playing shawty snipers our however you spell it.
  10. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    This is beautifull (I can't spell). It looks like making the map was incredibly hard because of interlocking boxes in mid air. I have made a map and it was extremly hard to do that. I don't care if it is a little tilted it still looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the description about the third picture because without it I would think that there is only one way to the spawn which would be very bad. I downloaded it and can't wait to see it's potential. I do have a question... You didn't include a 4v4 team match. Why not? It seems like a good team match. Oh well nice forging. I hoped this helped.
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    thank you for ll the great comments people. Chances are i wont remake this on sandbox. It just wouldn't be the same. Imagine the same thing except that the ground was sand. I will probably finish my legendary lineup by revamping this map. Things I plan on doing.

    ~Color coding boxes! (Top= Red/ Middle= blue/ Bottom= Green)
    ~Spawn tweaks. During 2 vs 2 i noticed some very rare spawn problems that i didn't notice until hopping into theater mode.
    ~Fixing up some interlocks. not so much as to get rid of the bumps but I need to line them up so that boxes meet at a single vertex and floors are completely flat between boxes!
    ~I might as well build onto the wall seeing as I have the resources to do it!

    Anybody who has downloaded the map and played on it? What changes could I make? What do you want to see in a version 2?
  12. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    i really thought u would wait to post this but over all it is a great map like u said the spawns need to be tweeked and also maybe u could possible put railing on some of the side were fallinng to your death usually happens during game play i seriously dont know why people complain about having thing not color coded it doent really matter to be i give ur map a 4.5/5 in my opinion
  13. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Interesting concept, seem like you would have had a lot more room, and plenty more objects if you had made it farther back beond the barrier, but looks good. Just take a look at how much room I had on my map COLD FUSION.
    #13 C0RRUPTl0N, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009

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