so i played a game of this yesterday and i admit, the bases are a lot more fair than i thought they would be, i liked the mancannon to turret thing in blue. The wraith was a little useless besides taking out people that were camping at the really high turret. Wich brings me to my next point. Why is there all those turrets? I mean you have like 4 on this map, one at blue one at top center. and one in this funky little minibase that no one uses! So you might want to remove the one i just mentioned. Also through some spawns in that base, i didnt get in there once during the whole game and it seemes its only point was for safe spawns, and i dint spawn there once. Like i said before, very, very pretty. I speant like a minute looking at the splazer spawn, and great flying beavers it's pretty! that must have taken forever! 5 spinning wraith shot dodgers, out of 5
Thank you sir, I always appreciate feedback from someone who has actually played the map! You're right, this map is much more fair than it looks. Well, that's the point of the wraith, to prevent people from hanging out of top of the big hill the whole game! As for the turrets, I put four of them on this map because this map can handle it. Anyone who tries to dominate in the turret is usually a focal point for everyone's attention. So, they die pretty quickly. The turrets are pretty balanced on this map. They just make it more interesting and fun. If you are talking about the base with the mongoose and needlers in it, I'll explain something. Each game on this map is different. Once a big battle happens somewhere, thats where players will tend to go for most of the game. If there is too much action happening by that little base, odds are, you won't spawn there often. It all depends on where the action is during each game. Each match you play on Valley Forge v2 is going to be very different depending on each individual's playing style. This map is perfect for letting poeple play it in there own way. If you have any more questions, lemme know! And thank you for the flying beavers concerning the looks of my map!
Excellent Even though I loved the first Valley Forge this one is even better. The tree trunk is the coolest addition I love going inside it. The cover is placed very nicely and you get lots of cover from all directions. I played many custom games on this new version and it is definetly one of the best maps I have seen and the funnest. As always 5/5
r3makez on sAnb0x?,Pl0x?,lol any way thanks for the well thought out reply. Any one who hasn't played juggernaut on this needs to, right now. Its really really fun