How to Right A Review Introduction A Failure To Post What Is A Review/What Should And Shouldn’t Be In It Common Issues and Ignored Rules The Quick Review Closing Introduction Alright recently I have been extremely angered by the poor quality of reviews and comments the people on Forge Hub have been leaving on people’s maps so here’s how to write a proper and useful review (comments with idea’s are appreciated if I missed anything). A Failure To Post Well I know this happens a lot and it is quite annoying when a new user to Forge Hub joins and post a map and fails to put pictures in and usually everyone replys with comments like ur post isnt up too forge hub stanards u need some pics and all the first comments are like this with everyone saying the same thing, which honestly doesn’t help them so only ONE person has to tell him how to fix it. Here is an example of what would be an acceptable post: For those who wonder here is the link to the thread: This is not acceptable: What Is A Review/What Should And Shouldn’t Be In In It re[FONT="]⋅[/FONT]view /rɪˈvyu/ [ri-vyoo] –noun 1. a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation. A review is an overview, a critical look at something (in this case a map) in the effort to improve its overall quality. A map review should contain the following: A quick review based on the pictures and the map description (it should be added to or removed after you have played the map and ready to post the full review) A detailed look at gameplay (like if everything while playing is focused on controlling a certain spot of weapon) which is the most important part of the map (unless it is an Aesthetic Map) The originality of the map The aesthetics should be the last and LEAST important thing in the review (a map can look good but if it doesn’t play well then what’s the point) Although not needed, good spelling and proper use of the English language makes a review look professional. Note: If you are going to write a quick review make sure you are writing it with intentions on coming back and editing it with your gameplay information. If you are NOT going to do this do NOT comment in the first place A map review should not contain: A rating (In most occasions) Negative comments Spam/Flaming (you shouldn’t do that to begin with) To much criticism [/spoiler] Here is some examples of bad reviews: Spoiler Unfortunately there seems to be an endless supply of these terrible comments and reviews Common Issues and Ignored Rules Now you might have been surprised to see a rating as something a map review should not contain this is because they are completely a waste to have in a review unless it is well thought out and written like the one above. If you want to rate the map vote in the top right hand corner not in your post but seeing as most of you will continue to do so anyway here’s a few tips to rating. Keep it out of 5 or 10 (it is easier), please actually consider your rating before you post it, give thoughtful reasons for it, and give whole numbers only (none of that 3.56/5 crap) if rating out of 5. Now when most people rate a map they are breaking a RULE. You’re probably thinking WHAT but it’s true. That’s right you actually should download the map before rating it. A shock isn’t it. So by posting a rating in your post you are saying you downloaded the map before rating it. Now there is no way to tell if you played it or not but if you still do need to rate the map follow the rating guidelines above. I have often seen people when posting a comments on a map say things like: Now not only are they giving useless reviews but they are rating a map on it’s look, which is a common mistake Forge Hub users make. I know some of you are going to find this very hard to believe but interlocks and geomerges aren’t need to make a good map so it isn’t fair to rate a map on just it’s aesthetic appeal. Although looks make it look cool doesn’t mean it plays well so unless it is an Aesthetic Map (which usually aren’t playable) aesthetics should not factor in on the overall rating of the map if you feel inclined to rate it. A Quick Review Now you’re probably thinking holy crap that will take so much time to write a really good review which it sometimes can but fear not I am going to tell you how you can write a useful review using the least of your time. First off you see the post and take a close look at the description and weapons (look for too many power weapons or perhaps not enough weapons). Then look at the pictures and try and picture the overall layout and look for issues there (perhaps to open in one area). While looking at the pictures you may look for other issues (like vehicles or weapon placement). Use this information right a short detailed review which will help the forger improve the map. After, download the map (and gametype) and play it the next time you play Halo and look for some problems or issues. Then delete the map or keep it and next time your on Forge Hub edit your post and add the new stuff you found. Example: Note that the mention of [FONT="]aesthetics[/FONT] is brief and not a central point to the review and note that there is no rating. The review is also not very long and the first part will take very little time. Closing Well I hope that this guide helps some of you write reviews that are much more helpful. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading. -Vinyl Hippo
How can you possibly assist others in writing when you haven't even mastered the English language yourself? You don't "right" on paper... This is kind of ridiculous. I mean, you have good intentions, but you have no credibility.
Well I apologize I do plan on continuously improving the quality of the article and credibility I may be lacking but that doesn't prevent me from trying to help. I do not want people to write in perfect English I just said it makes it look more professional, I just want to help people make more useful reviews.
LOL at this! It should be, "Although not needed, good spelling and proper use of the English language makes a review look professional. How ironic But seriously, great thread. When I first came here I used to make poor reviews like you mentioned. Now I make sure I post something constructive and edit my post after I have played on the map. One of my pet peeves is when people say "Great job 4.5/5" when they haven't even downloaded the map yet. Why even bother commenting if you haven't even done a simple forge-through? EDIT: This should be stickied!!!
Thanks for the comments and I guess I should fix that but I am going to continue to update the thread as I go through the forum and find good examples and many bad examples of reviews. Right know I'm editing an updated version with some more examples. It should be on (on meaning I'll update this thread) within the next couple days.
i like your idea to post this, and i agree with you on everything you said for the most part. however, i think this should be edited: even if you REALLY want to write a quick review before actually playing the map, it should never be based solely on the pics. it should be based upon the pics and description of the map. however, i usually dont like people writing any sort of review until they have played/tested the map, if they have intentions of doing so.
[FONT="]I must disagree. After reading this artcile I found it very useful and saved me alot of trouble instead of learning the hard by posting on peoples maps. I believe this thread should be saved or stickied or however it works here =D I agree with the comment above me but it appears to have been fixed now. [/FONT]
Yes High Impact is correct I have updated the thread fixing multiple things and added some more examples
I was at Xforgery and seen an excellent examples on how to right a review. Check it out. Hey Vinyl if you ever get around to updating the thread again here are some more items for the bad example list and check here for critical good reviews. Here Spoiler