Introducing: Wal*Mart Just your ordinary Wal*Mart... Or is it? Download Wal*Mart Black Friday (Zombie Gametype) Coming Soon Description: It's pretty simple, really: Red Team is Civilian Team Blue Team is Employee Team Gold Team is Manager Team (Limit of 1) Green Team is Subway Team (Yes... I added a Subway) *New* Pink Team is Micheal Jackson (Although, you will regret playing as him ) Every other Team has no use. Here are the jobs: Blue Team: Sell stuff to people... then kill them. Green Team: Grab some equipment from the shelves down the hall and throw them at people. Manager: Use the Flamethrower on employees who aren't doing their job right. Pink Team: Be Micheal Jackson... Also, the vacuum can send you into a ball pit. Screenshots: Overview: Elevator: Subway Equipment Room: Loading Dock: Tell me what you think of it.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
actually, it does. sorry, but i dont think images dont have to be embedded (look at featured maps). however, it would be a good idea to do so. i'm gonna download this and check it out...
hi welcome to forgehub and for being your first post i see that you just joined so i would like to say that this map could have it improvements but good for first post. You should check out several things on here such as forging 101 to get the best out of forging and how to post your map so you can have more views and replies and feedback on your map. One last thing ignore halostriker and everyother person that says this map is posted wrong hes just ignorent and doesn't see that you just joined and he could have said that in a nicer way to provide information nicely besides just hey fix your post -this is Agamer93 and i hope i have helped you
tried to play it, then realized it needed a gametype that isnt up yet...please post it so i can play! :squirrel_wink:
To respond to all of your questions: 1. I've actually been watching this place for a while, I joined just today, though. 2. Already saw the Forging 101 a month ago. 3. Sorry, forgot about the embedded pics part. D: 4. Gametype currently in production. Fixing the embedded pics problem right now. EDIT: Fixed.
Umm.. I'm not exactly sure I would be interested in playing this game, tho the idea of each team being specific characters is pretty cool. Kinda relies on honor rules tho doesn't it? Anyways.. I think you could have added much more scenery to this map. What about registers? Shelves? perhaps different sections like Frozen.. Iunno. No DL from me but I gotta say.. If I were to play I would definately be the Pink Team! Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
By the time me and my brother were done, we already reached the limit for most stuff. We would've like to add it, but we couldn't D: Oh, and the whole team thing is for when you want to play an RPG-like thing for the map.
I'm not seeing how this resembles much of a Walmart, maybe I'm blind. This would probably make a good competitive map though. I could definitely see playing a team slayer game on this.
It's more of a run-down Wal*Mart. :squirrel_giggle: And it's also good for Shotty Snipers. :squirrel_wink:
Hmm.. have you heard of the money-glitched maps? They are glitched to allow you to have infinite money, so the only limitation is the object limit of a map, which is quite a bit. If you would like to know more check it out here - Foundry Power Canvas **thumbs up!** Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
This map seems good, but it doesn't really give me the Wal-Mart feel. It needs some more aesthetic quality, otherwise good job.
Note to everyone: It's not supposed to be a replica where you buy stuff. It's supposed to be more of a Team Slayer/Infection/RPG Type of Wal*Mart. (A "Rundown" version) And also, what could I have made the shelves and frozen food sections with? Barriers?