Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Weapon Holder
  2. Legolastom

    Legolastom Ancient
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    And after that its the tube ramp.
  3. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I'd say the red ball and blue ball are smaller... but that's just me.

    (smaller than the tube ramp)
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I was really disappointed with the crypt. Inward curving walls and a large column in each corner makes Alex a dull boy.

    A lot of the people who had the maps early said that the objects didn't need interlocking. I strongly disagree. There's an abundance of objects, which are awesome, don't get me wrong. But Bungie seems to get it half right. We got all these awesome things but they didn't figure out that curved edged boxes is something we didn't want again.

    I'm loving sandbox but at the same time I have a feeling of petty annoyance with all the imperfections.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i was in that stage for a few days Alex, but it subsides and you find ways around them. Im even using walls for floors despite the glitch and its still coming out awesome.

    I dont know if anyone posted this yet, but power drains will sit on the skybox grid like its a floor [forge and customs], while the bubble shield will fall straight to the ground.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Okay, thanks. This answer is what I was looking for.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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  8. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    I just had a great idea since people use avalanche to make big ships and everything you can do that on sandbox in the skybubble and then it will really seem like its a flying ship and that's the whole level so now you won't just walk around on the ground.

    The idea I have since I'm not good enough to make that kind of map is on the skybuble make the POA ship and have one side of the ship be one team and the front of the ship be the other team. You can have one part of the ship release vehicles and then have a space battle.
  9. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Another question about the slanting walls:

    Do they also slant when yo place them in mid-air?
    Do all variants slant (double wall, wall corner, wall slit)?
  10. coolaid55

    coolaid55 Ancient
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    Is it any good??
  11. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    ok first of all that wasnt a sketch of sandTRAP its the new 1 (SANDBOX)

    the base levels are set the same, with the big sandpit and the giant stone barrier with the mordor looking towers around it.

    there are lots of amazing new items on this map. the 7-wood (golf club) is a grav hammer that looks different.

    there will be another DLC release nearer to the end of the year with halo 3 ODST, these maps will include HERETIC, LONGSHORE and citadel.

    IF you want any screenshots of somthing you would like to see, mythic wise. pm me ill take some on the weekend.

    Hope this helped.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    has anyone else notice that the first time you try to make a serious map on sandbox its somewhat overwhelming?
  13. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    You know, I haven't even got the maps yet and it already seems like I'm being overwhelmed by all the possibilities. lol. I've got to slow down with the brainstorming.
  14. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I don't know why but the huge variety of objects, seems to make me think that I can't do much, even though there is more to use... its wierd.
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Is there long load times for sandbox? Sandtrap usually takes a bit to load and sandbox looks bigger.

    I'm also bummed out of ideals for sandbox I will just have to see what maps are made in it.
  16. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I already have an awesome idea. Just no maps to put it on. One word. Zombies. Multi-Tiered.
  17. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    The load times for sandbox seem to be about as long as the ones on Foundry, so I wouldn't worry about that as much as the problems I have seen on the map itself.

    A few problems I have noticed are shown below:

    1. Placing a wall in the Sky Bubble, saving changes, ending the game, and then starting the game again will result in the wall floating at an angle. This can get very annoying when trying to make a flat area.

    2. When trying to make a wall of Double Blocks, each side of the Block is different, so when pushing them up together, I have noticed that the wall tends to have parts of the Blocks jutting out. This can become a problem when trying to make a Closed In map.

    3. When forging in the Sky Bubble, objects tend to fall through the grid. Most of the time, falling outside of the middle tier of the map. Making it impossible to reach the object again withought dying repeatedly.

    4. The Crypt is very hard to forge in, due to the very bumpy default walls that it is enclosed in. The walls around the Crypt are also at an angle. This is very, very annoying.

    I hope that some of these come in handy for any of those who don't have the maps yet. While forging my new Infection map, I am finding it hard to make enclosed areas, and lining up objects, due to the fact that they all have that aesthetic touch to them. Such as the "Ancient" look that most of the objects have, with all their cracks and stuff.

    My map, if released soon, will be the first to introduce the whole, opening door sequence you found quite cool in Manifest, but on Sandbox. But I am quite upset because I have only forged the spawn point for the Zombie and Human. Those did take me a very long time however, because I had to design an enclosed area for both of them, and then stick a neat looking openable door for the Human spawn.

    A bit off topic however, I am really hungry, and really want a cookie.

    Whoa, I thought you were Deathtoll for awhile there! With that whole Multi-Tiered thing however, do you plan on linking teleporters between each section? Or are you not using the Skybubble? My Infection map, or should I say, VIP map. Is going to use the Crypt and the Middle. I have yet to figure out where the Skybubble could come in, but I only have the starting points down. At least it's a head start!
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

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    that happens to walls everywhere, not just the skybox.

    just remember that they are WALLS, not floors. Using them as such will give you no problems.

    The only way you lose objects throught the grid is if you drop them.. just pull them back through. My tip is to lay off RT so much.. only tap it when necessary.. using guides helps you not have to actually manually rotate the object as much.
  19. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Originally Posted by IxGUNxSLINGERxI [​IMG]
    has anyone else notice that the first time you try to make a serious map on sandbox its somewhat overwhelming?

    You know, I haven't even got the maps yet and it already seems like I'm being overwhelmed by all the possibilities. lol. I've got to slow down with the brainstorming.

    lol, me too, but i think iv finaly come up with a cool crypt conquest map, well, youll find out later.
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Actually, Running Chron already made a door on sandbox. He did it days ago when we first got the maps... so you arent the "first" to do it.
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