Foundry Audacity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Wood Wonk, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Download HERE
    Created by Lawful Chilli​
    AUDACITY is a small semi-symmetrical map created for team slayer. It is possible to play up to 4v4, but 3v3 is the maximum reccommended game size. I would reccommend a 2v2 team slayer game for maximum enjoyment. It uses foundry's back bases and tunnel, as well as a relatively small area of the square "main" part of foundry.

    The map features a lot of interlocking and merging with map geometry for enhanced gameplay, as well as aesthetics.

    Wapons and equipment:
    Amount, Weapon, Respawn, Spare Clips
    x2, Assault Rifle, 30, 2
    x4, Battle Rifle, 45, 2
    x4 SMG 30 2(3), 1(1)
    x4 Spiker 30 2(3), 1(1)
    x2 Magnum 30 2
    x2 Needler 60 2
    x2 Carbine 45 2
    x2 Plasma Pistol 30 ---
    x1 Plasma Rifle 45 ---
    x1 Sniper Rifle 150 0
    x1 Rocket Launcher 150 0
    x1 Mauler 90 0
    x8 Frag Grenade 10 sec
    x6 Plasma Grenade 20-30
    x1 Bubble Shield 90

    I will explain the layout of the map in the following screenshots. (captions at the bottom)

    This is A base. You can the base BR tower (the fence box on the right), the needler spawn on the fence wall/upright stair structure, and the carbine spawn is behind that A sign interlocked with the bridge.

    Both teams spawn in this room on their side.

    Here is a look at B base, from outside. It is similar to A side, weapons are in the same places, but the geometry is a bit different.

    This is looking out from the back of B base.

    Here is a view of the back tunnel. (sniper in the middle)

    A view of the center of the map from above. You can thee the rocket spawn under the bridge against the back wall.

    Here's another one.

    And one more of the center. There is the mauler spawn.

    Now, in the first 2 shots of the center, you can see 2 mancannons, one on either side, behind bridges. So,
    This is where they lead to, the center BR tower.

    Here is a first person shot from in the center BR tower.

    And another.

    And now for a few action shots.




    (the mancannon up to middle BR tower)

    (inside middle BR tower)

    And that is my map. Got it done before it lost in the flood of sandbox maps.

    Thanks to all who helped me test.

    Download HERE
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Ok this map is great and has amazing aesthetics, maybe too much. It seems like there isn't one main theme, and more of every object in foundry in a small area. The gameplay looks amazing though, which is the only thing that really matters, but it just seems to cluttered for me. I would probably get too distracted by the map than getting shot
  3. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    Looks nice, but seems a little crowded to me.... Good job, maybe you can clear out a few objects that dont change gameplay.
  4. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    Yes, I think I would agree with the other members. It is a very solid map, and it looks to have some really good gameplay, but this map seems a little too cramped. Some of the interlocking looks a little sloppy, like the fence wall in picture 4. I do, however, love the BR tower, it looks really cool, and really fun to control. I might look at this later. Good Job on the map and Post. Keep Forging.
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I completely agree, this map does look a little too crowded. I don't like all the extra objects you placed for aesthetic look. At some point the map becomes more like an aesthetic map than an actual competitive map. The game play does look very good and I can't suggest any tweaks for it. The cover is good and possibly the best designed for the little room you do have. 4/5 based on the pictures.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    thats how u eliminate one person domination from one spot. and yes every piece of cover affects gameplay
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Its a good map and if it wasn't crowded, there would be a fair bit of spawn killing.

    How come I'm getting my ass kicked in every picture?
  8. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i enjoy aesthetic appeal. but which do you think are most distracting or overdone?
    thank you.
    to all who said it looks crowded, i know it does. but this makes the gameplay much better for this map, at least in my opinion.
  9. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    Just by looking at the pics I don't agree with everybody else. For me, I always look at a good map and don't give a crap about being shot as long as I can look at it. The map looks very playable to me and looks like alot of fun. You have got down the flow of the map and it you have included a ton of aesthetics that I have never seen before. I think that the only thing that is cramped is the hallway with the dumpsters. Other than that I got to give you a 5/5. I hoped this helped.
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    heh, because you got at good angles for shots that showed the map.
    thanks, and the back tunnel really is pretty open. it looks pretty cramped because of the angle, but the dumpster and barrels dont take up too much room.
  11. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Amazing aesthetics, but maybe too much, it makes it a little crowded, especially for the sniper rifle, it might be a bit harder for people with long range weapons to have them be effective.
    I can see this getting featured, if it doesn't, then you could make a v2, and that would totally get featured.
    I have great respect for you!
  12. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Dude my brain exploded when i saw this map! It'll be hard to comment while there are brain-chunks all over the keyboard...

    But now is not the time for jokes. To critique your map, I will start off by stating that there are one too many power weapons on this map. I would most definitely switch out the rocket launcher for a shotgun. I particularly love the way this map is set up, specifically the main bridge that overlooks the map. I think that it was a good idea to keep it a relatively small map, loaded with cover. It's perfect for doubles, but nothing else, in my opinion. You did quite well with the sight coverage in the main bridge tower. For more competitive games, I would remove a few weapons here and there. But this map is genius as it is. I love the style. Great job, man!
  13. superguh007

    superguh007 Ancient
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    I definitely agree with the first reply: the problem isn't so much that there are too many aesthetic pieces but rather that the aesthetic pieces are all so wildly different from each other. You have crazy teleporter art staring you in the face and then right next to it is a fence box filled with a bunch of human supplies, and it just doesn't seem like they both belong on the same map. What I would suggest is picking the one aesthetic piece you like best, and applying that theme to the whole map, so when someone loads up the map they'll immediately say "Oh, this is Audacity. I can tell because there are teleporters with weapon holders on top of them (or whatever theme you go with.)"

    Other than that, the map looks rather nice. The cramped design and abundance of cover quite appeals to the CQB freak in me. Now if I could just get my eyes to stop bleeding... j/k, sorta. Good job overall, and I look forward to a V2.
  14. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    but the shotgun is still a power, weapon, so there would still be the same amount of power weapons. plus, there is a mauler. But yes i understand what you are saying. To balance this, the power weapons have long respawns and no spare clips in them.
    I guess i can understand why you say the aesthetic pieces are too different. but audacity means boldness or daring, esp. with confident or arrogant disregard for conventional thought. So it is supposed to look like this. Plus, the aesthetic pieces do not affect gameplay AT ALL, so its not that big of a deal. but is its that much of an issue for most people, i can remove or change some in my v2.
  15. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    i really like this map. the structures are unique and very cool. i wouldn't change a thing. each side has its advantage points. i like the overlook part of your map if people are not careful they can get dominated there.
  16. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yes, if you know what to do up there, it is a good spot. but it is also fairly easy to kill somebody up there if you know how. and your sight is partially blocked up there, so it is balanced.
  17. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
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    This looks like a great map from a guy that
    had a new idea. It has some awesome aesthetics
    and really some people should play it
    because when i did it was awesome.
  18. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Thanks for all the comments and feedback.
    im working on a v2, it should be up tommorow or tuesday at the latest, for anyone who wants to dl that.

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