Foundry Phosphorus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by OneSillyRabbit, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. OneSillyRabbit

    OneSillyRabbit Ancient
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    It's on Foundry (I know, it's overused) but I tried to make it on many other maps but couldn't do it. Ignore the fact that it's on Foundry.

    I'm not a fan of merging or whatever, so you won't find any of that on the map. And besides, it is unnecessary for this map. Enough with the prelude.

    Two teams spawn in their respective bases. It's Neutral Bomb...they must travel through a long and twisted pathway, grab the bomb, and plant it in the other team's base. Along the way, their are corners and little nooks to sit and cap, as well as energy shields in tactical spaces to give an added benefit to the bomb carrier (he can wait at the shield until his teammates get with him).

    There are 2 machine gun turrets, but these are optional (just put vehicles on/off). They benefit the defenders usually. Bubble shields, maulers, flame grenades, etc. are on the map as well. The flame grenades come in handy especially... they are basically the only close range weapon that can take down the bomb carrier.

    Some things to be aware of:
    -When you are guarding a planted bomb, the enemy WILL spawn next to it if you leave the bomb area. So you have got to stay there.
    -When the bomb is close to exploding, you have to get back to the center because your base is defenseless! Either kill yourself, or make sure a teammate is back there before the bomb respawns.
    -Gravity is at 200% to prevent people from escaping from the map, and it's more realistic. You cannot get on top of the boxes. If you somehow manage it, the player should be booted.

    General pic of map:

    Action pics:

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    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    Just because you dont use interlock, but it doesnt mean you cant put things straight.
    your map looks scrappy and unfinnished, also you said vehicles on for the turrets i dont understand this nonsense. you need to do a version two on sandbox when i comes out.
    SOrry but no download


    and is it perfectly symetrical because that plays a huge part
  3. OneSillyRabbit

    OneSillyRabbit Ancient
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    The stationary turrets count as vehicles for some reason, so you can keep them in or leave them off.

    It isn't symmetrical, but each side has the same length and time to get across. Each side also has the same amount of everything (weapons, etc.).
  4. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    The map looks really sloppy, and it doesn't really make any sense. There are only three pictures, so I would advise putting more in your post. It just looks like a maze of boxes. I do agree with you that you don't have to merge in your maps, in fact you don't have to interlock at all either, but Forging 101 techniques make your map more seamless and fun to play, so I would also recommend looking up on more of them. I would make a v2 and clean up the map a bit. Keep Forging
  5. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    You can easily grenade jump out. i would recommend that you make the walls higher or that you build a ceiling.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Meh, this kind of map has been done before. Even if it has been neatly merged together(which can provide for smoother gameplay believe it or not), I probably would not have dl'd it just because other maps that have been made with the same concept, but the people who made them actually took the time to and effort to merge everything together.
    1/5 for me if it was merged probably 3/5.
  7. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Do you even read his post, he said there is 200% gravity on to prevent that.

    It is gameplay that makes a map NOT interlocks so interlocks and geomerges should not change the rating like that. It makes it look good sure but maybe he put more time into making it play well then making it look good.

    Unfortunately I cannot try the map out today as I am having issues with Live but after I get it fixed I will try it out.
    From the pictures and the description it looks like an alright map, I'll comment after I play.

    Edit: Is this map budget glitched?
  8. OneSillyRabbit

    OneSillyRabbit Ancient
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    As he said, there is 200% gravity, no grenade jumps.

    The budget isn't glitched, but I think I used all the double boxes.

    I don't understand why you guys have the problem with "sloppiness"... the gameplay is great and all the boxes are aligned fine enough. A map could be perfectly aligned and interlocked and whatever and still the gameplay could suck. I prioritize gameplay over aesthetics.

    And if you didn't download it, why'd you rate it?
  9. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Dude, I love your maze concept. The reason behind the "sloppiness" thing is because better looks make a map look just that much better, even if its not.

    But beyond aesthetics, I really liked the gameplay. Taking the bomb through a windy if not confusing pathway is truely classic. And the fact its asymmetrical adds that much more to the "maze" feeling. For one of your first maps, this is a great concept. Keep on forgin' ;)

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