Skybubble OLN Canvas Halo 3 File Details Well i decided to make an OLN canvas for you guys, considering Halo Wars has been realeased in several places now i thought i may aswell make it and post it here. If you dont know what the OLN limit is then all i can say is dont delete any of the items that are on the map, try and use as much of the default items as you can, you can delete all the spare items after youve finished your map. Doing this will reduce your chances of running into the OLN limit and let you place more items on your map. It took we a while to do this for you guys so i hope your grateful. All the items have been neatly arranged under the teleporter your easy locating. Now then, here are the pictures of the canvas: Overview: Weapons and equipment placement: Another view with my name on it: Remember, i made this for you. (for some reason a wedge angled went all dodgy and appeared under the grid, i tried to get it back but i couldnt, you can see it on the picture above ^) Halo 3 File Details I dont know whever one of these have already been made, i havent seen one. Anyways, thanks for viewing this canvas <>T4K Shadow<>
Thanks a lot, I get the maps tomorrow and I was looking for one of these. I think Skybubble is going to be the most used out of the three choices, The crypt reminds me of Foundry somewhat and the normal level isn't flat.
yeh, i mostly use the skybubble to make my maps, and that is why i decided to make this. the middle layer is flat by the way, just not around the outer part, but there is enough flat space to build a big map. I have built a map in the crypt however, but i probably wont release it for a while
this was a great idea! is every single item that was on the map now there? ill be sure to dl as soon as the map pack comes out Xd
I think I know how you can get the wedge back if you want to fix it. Overload the map, and the grid dissapears, be carefull, the death barrier is still there, but you can pick it up still.
Thank so much i have been looking for a map like this because i do not want to spend the time doing this
Well this is good exept you should have put it in the crypt because people use the skybubble a lot to make maps and you used a lot of rocks for the floor. If your building on the floor or the crypt it's great so anyway nice canvas. 5/5
I MAY make a crypt canvas, but i dont know wether you can take the items down there from the middle layer, but ill try anyway, thanks for the feedback
OLN = The total amount of items you can put on a map. The default items (items already on the map when it is released) count towards the OLN limit even if they are deleted, so if you use as much of teh default items as possible youll be able to place more objects on your map overall, allowing you to make bigger maps. The reason people like myself have only really made OLN canvases for Sandbox is because of the large budget and amount of different items make you alot more likely to run into the limit, once you do it will say "Cannot be placed, to many on map" Hope this helped
The gametype specific item are still on the middle layer which could be a problem fro people who assume they are not. It's not hard to locate the problem and fix it after you've built a map but I just thought you'd like to know. Also, after toying around using this I have found that you can get that angled block back by placing a teleporter on it (you won't be able to be precise but you should be able to manage dropping it on the block) then just make another two-way and teleport to it, grab the block, and teleport back before you're killed by the guardians. You'll have a sufficient amount of time. In fact, you may only die in monitor mode if you touch the top of the soft-ceiling or if you try to fly back up through the grid. Anyway. I'm keeping this (with my modifications) so it was definitely a time-saver. Thanks.
Are there spawn points on this canvas? I downloaded this last night and started using it, then realized I couldn't find the default spawns anywhere. They count against OLN according to Bungie, so shouldn't they be here?