Halo 2 Warlock so yesterday i got the mythic maps so i thought i would start to remake warlock from halo 2. So i started and im a bit of a perfectionist but its still unfinished but heres what ive done so far. I will try and update this alot until its finished These pictures are out dated and i will upload some more later The Centre Piece One Teleporter Area Update 1: Changed the teleport setup to include the walls you could hide behind when you come out of the teleporter and finished half of the outside
I don't remember much about warlock but this still looks really good. If your not sure if its correct then either look it up online or if you still have your original xbox turn both consoles on and go back and forth between the two to see if the details right that's what I did for my remake of boarding action on foundry. But anyway, it looks very well made the one thing you do need is some more pictures because I can't get a complete image in my mind of it. 4/5 =) Can't wait to see it finished.
This should probably be in Forge Chat considering its not done yet, just PM a moderator and ask them to move your thread to the appropriate place...also it would help if you gave them a link to this post so they can find it Though it looks pretty good so far for a remake
besides the wrong foum, this is the frist kript map iv seen. all the rest have been done on the grid. goodluck with the map.
The map section is for completed maps. I've contacted a mod to move this thread to the appropriate section. It looks like you've got a great start here. I might switch out those double boxes for tall boxes on the incomplete platforms you have because they're thinner and will allow for more space down below.
^^^^^ What dtl said. Plus it seems that a lot of people forget that the center of warlock/wizard was actually higher up than than the second level of the rest of the map. This is important because the center blocks off some of the excess lines of sight that occur if you don't raise it about a half box higher. Good luck with your map
Any chance of higher quality screenshots? Only if you already have them. I'd rather you work on the map than waste time taking pics. I'm curious to see what you do with the 4 platforms. With the sandbox pieces I think you could pull off the semi-enclosed ones from Wizard. But this is Warlock...
if you mean the 4 bases im currently work on ideas there the biggest challenge to the map personally. but if you mean the corners then wait and see
I like that you're remaking warlock, it was a favorite of mine. I think that you need to upload some bigger pictures, and possibly some more picture, becauseI can't really get a good look at the middle structure. From what I can see, it's looking pretty good so far, I'm looking forward to seeing it when your done. =]. Keep Forging.
i never really played halo 1 so i cannot really make it if i can pick up a copy cheap and this map goes down well then i may make wizard but at the moment this is my priority
It looks really cool. You got it pretty accurately. I liked Warlock. Can't wait to see the finished product.
how did BR's ruin that map when The H1 pistol pretty much was a BR. plus wizard wasnt better than warlock, its just that H1>H2
Any more progress? Kepp up the good work. I really think this is gonna evolve to be THE Warlock remake. From what I can tell it looks better than that Mage map. The center of your map looks far superior. Actually I just noticed that your center area is the same height of the 4 bases. I think it sould be a half box height higher, to be more accurate. It would keep the lines of sight across the map in control better too.
Very nice remake, when everyone gets the maps on the market place I can see remakes galore. Sandbox really was a downer, not as good as I expected. Many objects mess up all of the time and it REALLY PISSES ME OFF!