NFL Beat Down

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by ooinsane, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. ooinsane

    ooinsane Ancient
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    Map Title: NFL Beat Down

    DESCRIPTION: This is the real halo NFL where you try to get the bomb to the oposite end zone to score. The variant is made where one team gets the bomb for one minute to try and score and when that minutes is over the other team gets a chance to. The bomb has a 3 secound respawn time so if you fumble it someone better get it if you don't want to lose the yards you have gotten. This game is made for 6 or more people.

  2. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Cool but one this belongs in the mini-games section and two this has been done so many times.
  3. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Nice idea, but I got an idea to make it better. Get some bridges, and interlock them so that they're just barely showing to make yard lines. You can use any object, but the edge on the bridge is usually big enough.
    And yes, many people use the same idea all the time, and it's hard to get better than the original in some cases.
    Also, this is basically grifball, but with beat-downs, so try to make it somewhat more like a football arena?
  4. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I agree, if you are going to use an idea that is not very original, then at least make sure that the map looks really great.

    P.S. Your map could be partner jumped out of.
  5. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    You have the same pic posted 2 times.. Don't know if you really care, but now you know.

    Also this seems to be nothing more than a renamed Grifball gametype and map. The yardline idea is pretty cool tho, would make a nice addition. Even some endzones and goalposts perhaps?
    [​IMG]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!

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