This is my first screenshot that I have staged / posted. I wanted to have it with a reflection of my character (elite w/commando helmet) but I only have one profile so I had to use the default helmet, CQB. Also, I would have liked to change the emblem lol. Anyway, just let me know what you think. Here is the link: Halo 3 File Details
Yeah i took inspiration from 'Praying to Recon' This is definitely my preffered method of staging screenshots.
must have been a real ***** to do that man what like 30 min or so gettin it perfect? lol great one man 4.99/5 i like the cqb actually (normally i h8 it) keep em cumin mate
It didn't actually take very long at all, considering I was being pestered to help someone get the lightswitc achievement... I set leader traits to poor camo, and he also has a lighter shade of blue. I might try a screenshot with active camo and overshields next, any thoughts?