ok...ill also describe a couple pics....the 1st one is where the portable grav lift is found and then you see where the teleporter is...eventually You end up seeing the picture of me crossing the main bridge and then the last bridge
looks like a very fun map, I love maps that are outside of the map ( it is isn't it? It looks like it is) Anyway, if it is you might want to be careful, I've played on maps outside of maps, where people randomly die and other people across the map get credit, and you hit death barriers.
yeah ive set it up where the only possible way to die is 1)Jump when you get to the very top and have to fall onto the grav lift ( in the backround of picture 2 i think 2) when you get to the far base.. jump into the lake behind the main building I made the base with barriers at the death line so its impossible too go to far
do not ever triple post, just edit the prior post, two of them were just 13 minutes apart EDIT: sorry, didn't see that orange already told you that.
I'd give it a 4.5/5 because he actually did the first post right even though it needed to be modified.
looks fun because its out of the map and these guys need to chill with guidelines stuff cmon does it really matter. no
I like it. Fighting on the ledges can lead to close combat, and I would make sure there isn't spawn camping, but it is original.
Thanks guys.. all of you.. ive been working on a foundry masterpiece thats very unique..it will be out soon but i havent checked f hub in a couple days
well im glad you asked but i have 2 different "masterpieces" that i am sort of combining.....for the ultimate small space, sniping spot ,secret spot, ctf ,team slayer ,and ffa ...........lol ...you get the point...it has a little bit of every thing....no use in explaining more...it wont be out for a while.(still more work to be done)
Well, I checked out your map and all I can say is that the whole thing is just blatant plagiarism. The outside area and ledges looked liked they came from a certain Last Resort variant map I have seen directly copied many times. Plus, old maps suck now, all the good forge maps are on new maps, really. - Brute Captain
I would like to see which map this is supposedly copied off of, and its not true that only good games are on new maps. Maps on older maps require people to be creative, and think outside of the box
thank you gobbles...and if anyone finds a same map...please tell, because I have never seen anything like this untill I made it