Well, if anyone is like me, and they can't come up with any ideas for the soon-to-be-realeased Sandbox, and still Foundry, or any other map, this is the place to post any ideas that you've done, or are thinking about doing, or off the top of your head. Please make the idea possible to recreate.
hey guys, i recently signed up to forge hub and this is my first post. had a look at these forums before and have seen how you treat people harshly when they dont rise up to the forums standards. so what i am saying is please dont judge me by this one post. i am a person who is has been a really big fan of the halo series and is hoping to go on and study how to be a games developer. i have great ideas for games and many for maps. most of the time i just dont how to make them. following the reveal of sandbox i came up with a brilliant map idea which would play brilliantly within this map. the only problem is im not a great forge user, this is why i am posting this to you guys, i need someone who is good with forge to make this map: Basically, it takes place in sandbox within the skybubble. theres two ships parralel to each other, so close so that you can comfortably make the jump between the two safely. when i say ships i mean pirate ships, and each one has to closely replicate the real things. they both have to be identical and include: a prison room with cannon holes ideal for safe spawns, a teleporter at the end of each ship (ill explain this later), a deck with plenty of space, two masts, and a room for the captain of the ship. now, about the teleporter. each ship has a teleporter at each end of the hull which takes players to the crypt in the map. inside the crypt would be left to your own imagination. but i would expect to see maybe a
Just came up with a amazing idea. It'd be bascially a skydiving game from the top of the middle floor to the bottom of the crypt.
a full level Infection game, starting in the crypt and going to the sky box where any surviving humans gain oh say a Hornet or some strong weapons.