I had fun making this map, and it is very fun to play. Basically the whole map takes place on the cliffs of Snowbound (outside the normal map area). A bunch of Pink Soldiers spawn on pink boxes, and they are armed with swords. They must kill eachother, without leaving the cliffs, and touching the ground (the hot lava) as little as possible. If you touch the ground once, you may survive. But stay on the ground and you will die. If you leave the cliffs, you lose 10 points a second. Each time you kill someone, you'll get 2 points. So essentially you gotta jump around on the purple boxes and try to kill eachother, and not die yourself. General Pic of Map: Some Action Shots: Download Hot Lava: DOWNLOAD Download King of Hill Gametype: Pink Soldiers DOWNLOAD
Even though its way overdone I still like it.I like that you didnt use Foundry.Good job.Maybe try adding some stuff.
This looks like it could be really fun. Sometimes people miss how a map is supposed to be. This map has a simple purpose and I like it. Imagine lunging, but you miss and hit the lava. Also, great first post.
This looks awsome. I have never seen this done before myself. I assume that if you fall off the boxes you die. This is super cool. I'm gonna dl it and check it out.
Looks good, when you get sanbox youll be able to make a perfect version on it, I can change it to use any weapons right?
I like how original this is. I may not like the gameplay itself but i appreciate the originality. It must have taken 10 min to comeplete this map but I guess that's not what makes a map good so I can't judge.
This looks so much fun! You have mixed KoTH games with 'stay alive' games. I love how you thought of this game, it is very original. A deeper and more detailed information of the game type would be good. Two questions: 1. Why did you name it Hot Lava when it's on Snowbound? 2. Why Pink? You did a nice job on this. Although I'm not sure how it will play, I will be sure to get a game on this to see how fun this map really is.
I not only enjoy the idea of game created for this map.The fact that it is on snowbound is awesome!No one forges there. 5/5
u have really explored the realm of out of the box (the box≠foundry, just the metaphor). this is by far the most original map ive seen in a while just because of how uve set up the gameplay. and because its on top of the map, the boundry kills u?
lol i will dl now 10 minutes of work = amazing =) when sandbox come out for public you should do this but in the sky bubble 5/5 origanallity 5/5 gameplay 5/5 fun
I so dont get it.Why out there or why not on sandbox or you dont have it. But on topic is that very well done and the floor's texture fits in I guess so cool. Pink is always my favorite color.lol.Good job in my book.
Actually, this map took maybe 3+ hours to make. Each time you place a box, you have to save the game and end it. If you don't, the boxes just disappear or fling themselves back into the real map. I was thinking of tweaking the gametype too, making it so that if you control the hill you receive 2 points a second, but I didn't. If you want you can do that. Thanks for the responses. And I don't have Sandbox, but even if I did have it, I like when maps are forged on the original maps. And it's always a challenge getting out of the maps. It's called Hot Lava because that's the game I used to play at recess a decade ago. It's Pink Soldiers because I wanted to match the color of the boxes.
Haha! Very cool! I saw the screenshot, and found myself thinking, whats that map? Very funny, and pretty great. It's simple but cool.
Rabbit, I had a lot of fun helping you get the pictures for this map, It's probably one of your better maps.
It's a good idea, and it's good that you made the map on a non-DLC map. I know what it's like up there, and it kinda seems like a problem. If you fall off and jump on right away, nothing happens, you kinda have to be a bit retarded to not jump back on. Good idea, but I'm not sure it works too good. (I haven't played this yet, but I've played a map similar, which leads to my next point) *People please stop praising him for being original. It's not. It isn't seen often, but it's not new.* Spoiler not trying to mock the map with the originality thing, but I don't like seeing people saying it's original when it's not.
Great Map I was playing this yesterday with 2 of my friends and it was pretty fun. Me and 1 of them kept killing each other while one of them kept jumping in at the end and getting all the points lol. Good map thogh i loved how it wasn't on foundry or sandbox. 4/5 overall(in my opinion)
If you touch the ground once, you are right, you are fine. But if you touch it again in that same life, you die. It works extremely well... if anything, it is too difficult for the people up top. And to make matters harder for them, they have to evade getting killed and also try to get kills. Play it... you'll see how it works.