Somehow all of these guys Fail, majorly. NOTE: The best part happens toward the end, so just stick through it
Lol thats funny. Its like " Lets blow up the staue" "**** it didn't work" "keep trying" "oh **** it killed us omgwtfbbq"
Aww....they just failed. I bet the last guy who got ran over was laughing at the first 2 to fall, then he got owned. Lolz.
yeh doodz, i couldnt help not sharing it with everybody. They fail sooooooo bad, so i thought it belonged on forgehub
I can't believe the third guy didn't see the giant ball that was about to smash him! It is very ironic, though, that they were killed by a giant, concrete ball while trying to run from zombies.
Nice work to you, you ummmm *insert adjective* people Also i see you play on pc! what's your steam name so i can addz you!
Lol same with me! I wuz like "did they come out with new campaign maps on L4D?" This is really funny they were playing on expert which is why they died so quickly. That would suck knowing you got halfway through the level only to be killed by a giant cement ball!!!