When i was making a map i had someone in my lobby and he put a killball on the spawn points, which were all stupidly in the same place... I then saved and ended and as the screen faded i saw it and screamed! Clearly i had technically lost the map as its impossible to get out of... ...But i have a way of repairing this; So if you have no backup map, find yourself in a similar situation to this, put all your spawn points in a place which kills you; or some other ridiculous circumstance confining you to death. I can help So post here, or send me a message on my tag (Glitch100) And i'll help you out.
I doubt this will happen very often so you might as well just post how to do it. That way you are helping everyone out, even if they haven't made that mistake yet!
It could be considered bad, but it saved my map> You simply mod the map. Not in a bad way. Just switch the killball with another object. For example the ghost. Then have someone else save over it. And blam! I know modding is bad. But it saved my map. Thats why i didn't post, as some people here may not be able to mod :/
So your offering to mod peoples maps? Id ask a mod to delete the thread before some jackass decides to read the thread and start moaning at you. I know your just trying to help and its a smart way to help people but it is against xbox live terms of service, so its fround upon here..