So one day, i wanted to make a map. And So i did. Then hours (days) later, im almost done with the whole thing. The the unthinkable happend...... Yes it did...... The money glitch did not work right......... What a huge shame. when it happend, I felt like killing some body. so much time wasted. so much happeness built up..... Then knocked down. I tell you people now. NEVER DELETE ANYTHING ON A GLITCH MAP!!!!!!
Next time you should save several copies so that you can go back to a certain spot or something... but yeah that really does suck.
Its why I stopped using the budget glitched maps. They're unreliable and you can make good maps within the budget.
I did a similar thing: I deleted a grav lift, but even though there were 2 other grav lifts on the map I had set them both to not respawn at the start... Ruined part of the map. Oh well, not a huge loss compared to this.
Ouch tghat map looked beast tbs but a few problems i could of easily spotted. Good job until the big bomb that just landed on your map that really sucks to be you. Bummer