Mythic Map Pack GiveAway Hey guys! I got the maps early and reserved halo wars. The thing is, I still have a gamestop giftcard to blow so if I don't need the code why be selfish? So here's the deal. Want the map pack? Enter this contest. It's simple. Easy. And should be somewhat fun. What do we do? Well, I am glad you asked! What I want you to do is something very different. Ok, so that sounded wrong...but it involves screenshots! Go into campaign OR multiplayer and snap a picture of something beautiful. It can be scenery, an epic pose of masterchief, or a even a sunset! Capture something that really shows off the Halo 3 game engine. How Long do we have? You have till 6PM EST on March 3, 2009 to get these into me! I will just them that day and give the winner the prize ASAP! Rules -You Cannot edit the screenshot with any type of software of H4x. -The Screenshot must be yours -The Screenshot should not contain violence (This is just to show off the game engine). But things such as explosions are allowed if needed. -You may only have up to 2 entries - If you have the MM Pack already, you may not enter. How Do We Turn Them In? You Don't because this is all a lie. No seriously... Send them to me in a PM with this info Gamertag: Contact info (Either AIM or Email) Also, if you are confident about winning and want to be contacted a certain way (Through the site, Email, AIM) Ect. However, I will only do it through those three, so pick one! Enjoy this contest and most of all.....HAS FUN! THE WINNER HAS BEEN SELECTED DMM WHITE!
I'm definitely going to do this. There are so many contests to get the maps but I never can win any of them
To make it fair (Due to someones situation) you can now enter the contest using photos from Multiplayer OR Campaign.
Sweet! I think it's really cool that you are giving this away in stead of selling it or something like that. That's pretty nice of you. I would REALLY like to win this, so I'm going to go take some shots tomorrow if possible.
After a few hours messing around in Forge, Campaign, and Theater I finally captured my best screenshot for this contest so far. I'll send in my entry tomorrow after I'm sure I have my best one. Good luck to every other participant, though!
Could I suggest requiring a link to the screenshot as a Halo 3 File Details page on so that you can easily check whether shots have been altered or touched up using outside editing? I think it would make your life a lot easier since I can see a large number of entires for this, and it'll bring that equality without making your life a nightmare having to search for all the pics by GT to check. But seriously, nice contest. Very generous at a time when it's easy to think of yourself, so kudos to you for doing this for everyone, it's a great gesture. If you have any troubles or need a hand with anything doing this contest (it seems a well thought out and relatively non -time intensive contest, but still) then please contact me if you so wish, I'd be more than glad to lend a hand in this if you're at all in need.
Nice contest. I've got a few scenic screenshots, I need to choose the 2 best though! I can't take any more because my Xbox is broken (plays some games, not Halo 3 :'( and freezes after a few minutes of being turned on any way), and the new one won't be arriving until sometime next week! I've chosen my 3 favourite screenshots. I'm having a bit of trouble getting rid of 1 though! I keep thinking as I'm typing this message and I think I've definatly chosen 1 and I'm not sure which of the other 2 I should use for the second.
Well I sent in my two photos. Glad there's a giveaway/contest for Screenshots that involve the beauty of Halo 3. Anyway, I wish you all good luck.
ya ill enter but it will be pretty hard to get cool effects in campaign but oh well its on. anyways i cant believe you are doing this to, very nice of you this is your choice though but something tells me urk will find out about this and post it on and you can guess whats going to happen but mabey you should post a rule saying must be an official forge hub member with atleast 5 posts so your not a guy who joined for the contest only.
This is one of the few contests I will actually enter in. This one I actually think I have a chance at winning. Thank you lunatic for the oppertunity!!!