Forward, I want to state I am not calling you elitist. I'm pointing out your point of view is favoring people that forger Well in your own point of view. The point of the old Pre-DLC is that FORGE is a Map EDITOR not creator thus when people shift on more and more towards thinking Forge is a map creator they lose the sight of objectivity. So, both have you stated that your pointing out that there are opinions of what makes a good director of a movie and what makes a Good football team. In actual correct understanding it should be this element is good and this element is bad or this year of the football team was bad, but this year has changed and has an "A" Game this year. leadership or rule by an elite Seems like the point that there can be good and bad forger creates lines of Leaders of people being Good better and best. The better point of view should hold objectivity. Like your reviewing the work someone created. THE Elements they created, and the corrections of what, I say again, THINK need to be changed. the selectively of the elite Selectively of say only certain members maps content featured, are worthy of noting have changed forge maybe? conscious of being or belonging to the elite So, again thought of Good means of belonging and better then another. Now I don't care if you think your a GOOD forger, That is called Self pride. Next, target on the list is that some one that is a fan of some "Good forger" is a matter of opinion not fact, as you stated previously. I want you to Stop for a moment and listen. THERE IS No GOOD and bad Forgers. The people that Drive a broken car and move it just an inch have made progress. Thomas Edison took 300 tries to find the solution filament for a light bulb. DO you think he drove the car with a flat tire quite often?
Sandbox is an new era in forging... I can now make anything I wanted to in foundry like a castle or a Giant Loop-De-Loop (Because theres space now. Plenty), On a last note you can Geo-Merge and yes its easy but in Pre-Alpha and i'm still getting the process of not making the object spazz out heaps. I'll post on Forging 101 when its ready.
Okay can we stop with the "sandbox is my roflcopter!!!!11one1!!" The point has already been made that sandbox makes alot of cool stuff possible and repeating just dums down the thread as a whole
I think most people have gotten their message across. But there's one argument I didn't really see. The customization of Pre-DLC is barley any at all. Some great maps can be made, but it takes a lot of time to think about it. 'How am I supposed to create a robot with a wheel?', well, you aren't. Just the fact that you can barley make up the map on Pre-DLC, is already reason enough not to try on it. Some great maps can be made from that, but it takes a person that could make it ten times better on a game that you can manipulate, instead of having set guidelines.
If your argument is that there's something to be gained from building on old maps, something that you can't get anywhere else, then I don't think anyone has a problem with that. Build what you want where you want, more power to you. Moving the goal posts is what people have a problem with. Placing some arbitrary limitation on yourself (forging on a difficult to forge map), overcoming that restriction, and then claiming success isn't any good. And handicapping yourself with self imposed rules then using those same rules as a vehicle in which to claim superiority is especially annoying.
maybe ive written the main idea wrng or maybe most people are just stubborn enuf to still belive that forge is a map creator. true sandbox will give us limitless possibilities but no matter how hard you try you can't make a base like high ground's with a working gate and a movable fence. also true that you have control over the lighting in sandbo and that too as it's limits. many people also dont realize that you can either; A) build a custom playground for some great gameplay, or B) stratigically place boxes and teles on last resort to comepletely change the gameplay for games such as JAWS and OMAHA BEACH (even tho there is a ton of them) my whole point this time is not to flood your harddrive with sandbox maps when there is plenty of great non sandbox/foundry maps and for the last time i did not say that aesthetics>gameplay or non foundry=original
Actually, yes, you could build a gate switch. In Foundry, there have been many switch maps that lift/move crates/trucks/other movable objects out of the way after a certain trigger has been established. Also, this sentence: also true that you have control over the lighting in sandbo and that too as it's limits. What in ****'s name is that saying? Wouldn't having lighting control give you less limits? What point does the last paragraph serve? You bring up those two examples rather haphazardly and without any real coherence to support it. How about this one: Can you make an unbreakable (not honor-rule bound) Grifball map on Last Resort? Or Sandtrap? You could try, but you'd have to use many, many container boxes, then many, many teleporters to secure them. Whereas on Foundry, you can use the immovable objects to your advantage, combined with the original geometry of the map, to use little objects in order to simply create a blank space - a blank space that would have taken twice as long on a pre-DLC map that you'd create just because you feel that putting limitations on yourself makes your creation look better. I'd pick the great gameplaying, smoother, and bigger Grifball map on Foundry than pick an escapable, falling apart, and smaller Grifball map on Last Resort, just because the creator made it on Last Resort.
Oh i can't wait until i see the maps section with all sandbox maps then my assembly map "Combo Breaker" will be right there in the middle. But i have to agree to disagree with you here, the new maps, or should i say sandbox, are going to get alot of people back into Halo, and it's probably going to increase the popularity of this site. The only downfall i can see to this is noobs posting lots of maps that suck.
i completly disagree. with the sandbox forging has sooo many more possibilities. this covers all kinds of maps. crypt is the new foundry, dessert is the new big map for vehicles and the sky is infinate possibilities. i have the new dlc and it is sooooooo good. i bought halo wars for £50 and im not playing the actual game for a WHILE. so really i bought the maps for £50 and tbh its totaly worth it.
I do believe your head may explode if you visit the artificier site,. They have some crazy shat going on that might get your attention. And with a bit of effort,yes you probably could make high ground's base on sandbox.With the exeption of the fence but thats one feature that rarely makes an effect on gameplay. Thing is no ones going two since it already exists :S And spazmonkey,play halo wars its good and paying 50 pounds to get maps a week before others is a tad sad
My question is, What about the budget? Each item is $5 or some multiple of that. Bungie says that the map will have an item limit of like 650 items, but a budget of 700 really won't support that much. Will Buddha make another clean canvas map for sandbox? Me and my friends want to create maps and such without the hassle of staying in budget, and don't really want to not be able to delete items and not get them back.. How will this work out?