First off, i have no clue why i named it Achievement Hour. Ok, so the whole point of this is to help people get the legendary map achievements. What we are going to do is get 10 people, (myself and co-assistant included) and we are going to try to get CTF on Avalanche. (If we cant, we'll let one team win so we can get it over with.) Then once we do, people will get their achievements, like Flag Dropped, Came From Behind, Defend This, etc. This will be being held at 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, i will have a game open in matchmaking lobby, and you can join if you want to help out. Post here or send a message to HALOSTAR317 on Xbox Live if you want to join, but there's only ten spots! You might also get some experience from this. So what do you really have to lose?
Lol ya i doubt they will catch one time or two... also Needs More Interlocking did that piss you off Dthen lol. Um ya count me in Gt: STK OW GURR. Though i really dont wanna be on the losing team lol
Or you could just play it legitly and get them that way? Its not to hard...I had all my Legendary Achievements by like 2 weeks after they came out...
If you do suck at Halo, that doesn't mean you can't get them I'm pretty bad at Halo and I got them all the week of the update. You just got to jump in a game and go for one specific achievement, Splatter Spree on Avalanche with the Ghost is easy, Defend This is also easy on Avalanche if you camp by the enemy teleporter with the flag and wait for someone to walk out and Flag Dropped you just need to camp by the flag with Heavy weapons like the shotgun or rockets and kill someone as they pick up the flag. Came From Behind is easy on any slayer match as long as it's on Blackout or Ghost Town. Really, the only problem with the Legendary Achievements I see is Alas, Poor Yorik and that's because OddBall is a rare gametype in the playlists that require Legendairy maps, but that's why we have 3-Ball 2x EXP Weekend. Boosting on that would be a big waste.
It's not boosting technically, its helping people get achievements that they want. But i have been trying the ghost thing, seems i get splasered every time. I'll try some more, but this is still on for today, at this rate it might not be. We only have 5 people.
When in the Ghost, never venture off to enemy territory when they are in control of the laser, it will mean death. If you know your team has the laser, then by all means, go ahead, otherwise stay on you're side of Avalanche and defend. If you're playing CTF, you may actually get the Flag Dropped achievement as well without even having to go too much out of your way. Just try avoiding other vehicles as well as people with Rockets. You just got to know to be where and when, if you do all that, you should get it no problem. I was able to get a Vehicular Manslaughter (Splatter Spree of 10 kills) with this strategy/tips.
What about those goddang hornets that fly around and own you? Its really not as easy as your portraying it to be. I've gotten 2 or 3 splatters but that's it.
Actually, the only one i need is the splatter one. I put up a video on how to get Flag Dropped and Defend this, they are actually pretty easy if you know what to do.