i want to know because im gruonded and i cant play my xbox mg: so i want to know if those codes will expire because i pre-orderd halo wars LE
Im making an educated guess here, but i think they can. probably not for a few months at least. That kinda sux that your grounded during this period of time. but most likely they wont expire for a while. hope that helped.
I doubt they will. If Bungie was smart, they'd let it last forever. If someone buys the game in a year, just for the sake of getting the Mythic maps, they probably want it to work. It might expire though, you never know.
Yes, you can Redeem Codes on the Xbox site. I wouldn't worry about it. 27th February/3rd March is only the release date, its not the date everyone will actually get the game. Most people probably will have preordered their LE so it probably will be the date that the get the game I remember seeing LEs of Halo 3 for ages after the release. The expiry of the code, if there is one, won't be for a long time. You'll still be able to redeem it after you're grounded. Just keep the code safe!
well, i lost my xbox for 10 months for 1 simple argument with my parents. i didnt even curse or anything. i hope for your sake your parents are not like this..... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
You wouldn't need that much time to download them. I'm sure you could sneak on and dowoad them no problem.
Wouldnt even need to download them once you enter the code its logged onto your account that they have been "Purchased" and you can download them whenever.