I just started thinking about this today after playing lone wolves and i decided to make this post sorry if this has been done before if so plz redirect me My question is what playlist in matchmaking are you most frequently spawn killed in Please say what playlist it is in your post my playlist is lone wolves for spawnkilling
Now that you say it I realize you're right I never looked at being spawn killed in MLG because i thought oh lets kill not where the heck did i die from next time in MLG I'm counting my number of times spawnkilled
Same here, but they set it up like that for a reason because in mlg when you get spawnkilled it is usually because they predict your spawn which takes some skill/knowledge. Also if your in higher ranked MLG people know how to set up to spawnkill the other team easily
true but they say halo spawns are the worst yet the default maps to me have better spawning than the mlg ones. I spawn near people a lot in mlg and they don't notice.
Team SWAT. You spawn with your team, even if they are dieing, and it only takes one stray shot to take you out. Sometimes you don't even fully spawn before you're dead again.
Well in about everything. I'd have to say team slayer, only because of smashed. Everytime I play that map I get spawn killed when the other team spawns right behind me after I spawn. Also... Team swat, but I'm usually doing the spawn killing in there.
I can't remember the last time i got spawned killed in halo but i guess team swat since yo spawn with your team.
I got spawn killed in Swords once. That's it. But yeah, LW is the most spawn-kill prone playlist because it's Free-for-all. And rumble pit.
Team Swat. Like everyone is saying, because you spawn with your team. Very annoying considering it's ranked.
I'm sorry but on the playlist,not against real "pro's" thats about as likely as a vegetarian polar bear. For me its team swat on maps like foundry where you seem to randomly spawn out in the open.
I don't play SWAT much, but it seems like there always seems to be spawn-killing when I'm playing on Standoff...
I've actually never had many problems with LW. I used to get spawned killed 8+ times a game when it was 8 people, but now that that was fixed, I think it is fine. Maybe it depends on the skill level. I'm in the 45-50, so maybe that makes it not so bad? But I'm not really sure which playlist I get spawned killed in the most. Probably MLG or TS.
Standoff has the worst spawns of all the default maps. A single warthog can spawnkill the entire base. ^.^ SWAT does lead to a LOT of spawnkilling and last time I played Onslaught I quit out due to the stupid spawns. ^.^
Go into forge and take a look at the Standoff spawns, and you'll see exactly why. There are simply not enough potential spawn locations per side, and of them all, only the inside the base spawns are not wide open. For me, Team Snipers is the worst, especially on a map like Standoff or Narrows. As for MLG, if your complaint is about a CTF gametype there's nothing that can be done, and if its about Amplified, everyone knows the spawns on that map are weird.
Definitely MLG. It's really the only playlist where everyone memorizes every spawn, so it usually happens in it a lot. I do it to people sometimes in Snipers or Team Slayer, but I generally only have it done to me in MLG.