Say there's a spot in the map (such as the human starting point) that you don't want the humans camping in later on. Just have a kill ball set to spawn in at a certain time. It's going to be very effective in this way.
I think most things have been thought of lol. You'll have to go WAY out there to get a completely new one.
I'll make a "get to the skull" map, and then put a killball on the skull lol Or you could just chase people around your map with the ball. Or chase them with a teleporter that leads to a killball. I kinda wish they weren't visible in custom games and MM. They'd work better that way.
i didnt post a three word response i said something like is conquest any fun? if it is this looks like a great map to start on thats like a 15 word response
I can fit more information than that int o a three word response. Same principal man,It's Quality over quantity here. /shrug As for me and kill balls...All of the above.
The only thing I am planning to use killballs in the future for are death spawns and to block off parts of a map that i dont want people to enter. Hmm, oh and also I think it would be funny to place a killball on a map and put a rocket or a great weapon in it so it drives people crazy
i just thought of a new map with killballs: a volcano that you have to plant a bomb in. if you dont plant it in time, killballs and man cannons spawn so that killballs are shot out of the volcano, and it is blocked off. then another bomb plant spawns right where the killballs will hit. you have to be quick and plant it, avoiding the "lava"
I imagine kill balls will be immovable so that probably wont work :S Verified,was pretty sure to begin with but i just checked
They could just be used for death spawns in mini-games, for fun, aesthetics, or obstacles in some race map. Imagine having to dodge in and between killballs, that would be fun. If a race map maker uses it I want credit!
The killball will be a fantastic tool for timed map events, particularly those involving closing off sections of the map. It's just sad that we only get two to play with. Anyone know if we can mess with the radii of them at all?