Is anyone else going to be doing this? Its at thousands of gamestops in the US and the winner of it gets a free Collectors Edition of Halo Wars, which also means the new mythic map pack for free. I figured no one around my area will go so its basically just a free walk-in and get a game. P.S. Its today and most locations it starts at 2pm Rules Locations
I'm leaving for it in less than an hour. I think there are only like 4 people signed up at my location, but that was on Friday, so who knows.
I'm pretty sure you can sign up anytime before it starts, but remember, it's capped at 32, so if it's already full, then you can't compete. I signed up Wednesday lol.
Well if its full, im not even sure if i want to sign up. 32 people playing a RTS game that has no time limit on it....Better bring a sleeping bag
With the rush I'm using, games will be done in under 8 minutes. Of course, that was on skirmish mode, but I've thought over it a lot, and I think that I will be able to end it pretty much the same way still. I may add a hall (covenant, I'm using Regret) for some support, but I don't know.
I am actually interested in this, and might give it a go. Not many gamers locally who would play this sort of game, so I might stand a chance... best get ready though.
So I just found out that the one near me is not having it because they dont have any TVs to run it on. -_-
Well, I just called in and there are 4 people signed up, so I'm going to do it. Even if I don't win, it should be fun.
I actually drove 30 miles to mine to find out that their xbox broke last night. Bleh. They honestly could have called one of the contestants for a 360, I'm sure one would have been provided. However, I did get a t-shirt.
Halo wars is not a turtl'able rts. Theres more bang for buck and with leader powers it gets much more effective to run and gun... Also you cant just build a gagillion turrets and cackle as your enemy feeds the flames. Good luck to all competing and ill see you online
I lost, but I had a blast. Really, this game is fun and is extremely balanced, and all 8 of us were laughing and getting excited from the epic battles. I was better than most people their except for maybe 2 of them, but my first opponent was good and ended up winning. Beat me first round because I had no idea what to do in Deathmatch, since the gametype is so different from Standard I had to re-invent my strategy and I seized when I made an error. But I did get to try out the Arbiter leader, and he is awesome. If I had figured out how to direct his attack sooner than I did I might have won he was so kick ass. In the end, it was good fun and I wish there was another tourney so I could get another shot >.<
I like using doc askers personally. Hawks are freaking sweet. But it is a very well balanced game,and while a third army would have been nice the leaders make such an impact on how your strategdy goes its effectively the same thing,throw in the team aspects and they really have quite nicely rebuilt rts's