An unofficial contest thread where we'll have a contest to "decide" what the next ForgeHub contest should be. Personally I think it should be a contest where you make a real life location =] This is not a real contest, I have no say in what the next real contest will be
I think real-life might be a bit too similar to a battle, ya know? But maybe thats just me. My Idea: Recreate a classic movie moment (ex: Some The Matrix fight, LOTR, Gladiator, Star Wars, the list goes on...). I know theres already a bunch out there, but I think this would force people to make even awesomer ones
Well, I don't agree with making real life locations because Shell-Shocked has already done this. If we did any remakes, I would like to see videogame remakes from other FPS games because that is something oyu would not have to worry about gameplay on. However carry on with your discussion, I would like to see what 'creative' ideas you guys come up with.
If you guys are thinking of real life present locations, it will be all urban and I have trouble making houses... I'll brainstorm and see what idea I come up with... maybe like what rusty eagle said: from other games (COD4?)
i like the video game thing but not the FPS thing. i got an idea for a remake and the game isnt a FPS
I think that the FH contest should just be a theme, because that gives people a lot more creativity and freedom to tweak elements such as gameplay and balance.
The point of real life was like to turn a place you actually go into a battle ground i.e mall, and post pics of the real thing and map, So like I could make my house and then fight in it. but it also takes away creativity, its harder to make a map with a set of rules, and therefore you have to be more creative. PS. I will update the poll as new ideas come into play so don't thin what's there now is all you can vote on. PPS. Anyone can submit an idea Rusty, thats the point =]
Haha I saw it had a new post and was like =O I forgot movie, added it then scrolled down and your like "Could you add movie" I'm psychic =]
I disagree. If you put too many rules, creativity will be stymied, not bred. By associating with a theme, you let people do literally anything they want, they just need to tie it loosely with the theme.
Yes, if you put too many restrictions on, but too little has the same affects. For example look at what people did with the Shell Shocked competition, some of the maps are brilliant but they are based off of a set of rules.
recreating a movie moment would be sweet... jaws would be cool to see (the last scene when jaws dies) te he he he By the way i would like to see a mini game contest to because thats my specialty and i dont think us mini game map creators get enough recognition.