
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by KilerG, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    This is Mafia. I created this game to match what I used to play on Coagulation in Halo 2.
    It is similar to Cops and Robbers, but the cop arrests the Mafia members for doing something wrong. Official Rules are below.
    The gametype allows for the Mafia Member to be killed and turn into a cop, which makes teaming up on the last man standing fun and challenging, as the last man standing also runs at 300%. The custom powerup gives you a max of 150%.
    The sequel to Mafia, Mafia 2, is available here

    One rule that is helpful: NO GUESTS ALLOWED, except if the party leader has a guest. You must have a microphone, so that you can give orders if you're a cop, or tell a cop that you are going to jail. If you don't have a microphone when you play this game, it does not play correctly, and chaos erupts.

    "Mafia" Map Variant
    "Mafia" Gametype
    This is best played with 4-6 players.

    How the game works
    Mafia spawn up in their sky base. Cop spawns in or outside the Police Station (The Blue Base). The Cop must watch for them to do something wrong, and go arrests them. He can use force if necessary.

    1) The Jail is located in the Red base, and the teleporter to the jail is located on the left side of the Police Station. To be released from jail, the cop can remove the crate from the teleporter in the middle of the Police Station with a gravity Hammer, or it is possible to have another Mafia member bail you out somehow...
    2) Extra weapons are located in the hallway in the Police Station that needs to be opened with the button.
    3) The Mafia Base is floating in the sky, and can be flown up to through a group of mancannons.
    4) Another small Mafia base is located in the back area of the map.
    5) Drugs are located through the teleporter in the back area of the map, past the red base.

    Basic Rules:
    1) No Driving off the roads,
    2) No carrying "drugs," (See below for list of drugs)
    3) No attacking cops or killing other Mafia Members.
    4) Mafia members may not use banshees.
    Drugs are:
    1) Plasma pistol-Marijuana
    2) Magnum-Cocaine
    3) Needler-Crystal Meth.
    More rules:
    1) Cops may never attack a Mafia Member unless that person is trying to assassinate them, or are being defiant.
    2) Cops may ask for people to stop at any time, but only if the person may be not following the rules.
    It IS possible to break out of jail, and it can include the death penalty if the escapee is found by the cop.
    3) The last man standing can be killed for no good reason, because the last man "injects" himself with steroids to run at the increased speed of 300%
    4) All players cannot see the names of their teammates until they are close, so from a distance, a cop using a custom powerup will show up in red armor instead of blue. Creates a sort of undercover idea, and allowing anyone to run faster with 150% running speed.
    Mafia 3 being planned for Sandbox.

    Weapon Vault
    Cop Banshees
    Cop Vehicles
    Drug Room
    Mafia Base
    Police Station - You can see the teleporter to jail on the left, and the crate that is on the teleporter from jail in the middle.
    Second Mafia Base
    #1 KilerG, Mar 13, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  2. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    Nice post and description, but pics would be nice.
  3. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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  4. Dragon47

    Dragon47 Ancient
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    this is a great maps, you guys should try it
  5. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Thx for the feedback, and once again, sorry for the wall of text :squirrel_wtf:
    Oh, and for screenshots, when I get my 360 back I'll post em.
  6. Blood Enigma

    Blood Enigma Ancient
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    it sounds intresting, but yes, screenshots would be nice, but whenever u can is good...oh asnd PEW PEW :squirrel_jaffa:
  7. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    People really shouldn't post until they can get pictures. Without pictures its hard to really see the map in a description. The only maps that dont really need pictures are maze/puzzle maps because they dont want to give anything away.
  8. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    I know that, and I'll get the pictures in probably this weekend. It's a bit hard to take screenshots without an xbox 360.
  9. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Striker you don't know how many times I've tried to tell people this, probably four :p. But he's right.
  10. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Alright, I'll try to take some screenshots, or have my friend do it, cuz I want you to try out my map :D. I'll also plan to condense those rules a bit into something easier to understand.
  11. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Everyone give him a break until he can get his xbox back. We don't need this to be a " u need pics" fest. He shouldn't have posted without pics, but he is a new member and now he knows. Also, sorry to tell you this, but maps that use honor rules normally don't work. This should also be under mini-games.
  12. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    sounds really fun way better than cops & robbers.
  13. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Alright, I'm going to condense the rules to some simple ones real quick, and I'll be posting the second Mafia here as well. I've had it for a while, but I never did post it. I also fixed up both of them, and I'll be working on a new one when Sandbox is released (I'm buying Halo Wars :))
  14. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    If I may make a suggestion, instead of having to travel to jail, just place the respawn points in there, and let the cops shoot the mafia peoples.
  15. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    I've thought of that, but then they respawn infected. I could rework that into the gameplay, but the game lasts for a short time when just shooting everyone to send them to jail.
    Plus, lots of Mafia Members are killed by other means, like suicide, being run over by other Mafia members, and being killed by the guardians. (Yes, I have a mancannon on the map that fires missiles and traffic cones)

    Oh, and I still may not have screenshots, but I will post them tomorrow hopefully. I completely forgot to do that.
  16. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    No Pics = No download
    Sorry mate but they would be nice ^_^
  17. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    I posted the screenshots of the map on the first post now, so please enjoy.
    Mafia 2 and screenshots of it will be uploaded later today.
  18. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Nice job. It is very like the mafia but the map itself is small. Some things are sloppy though. Fix it and make it straight to get a better rating. 3/5
  19. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    The Mafia Base was just redone yesterday, and I did it kind of quickly. It does look 100% better than the original though, I have to say that. The main problem I had was the bridge along the vehicles was below the rest of the base, and it didn't stretch long enough to go to the chopper box. I fixed that with a complete redo of the base, and with some geoforming to make it look nicer. The blockades on some of the jail could be redone, but they hold for right now. The back area was redone as well, and the teleporter to the jail was fixed to hang on the ceiling instead of being on the ground. Also, the jail room exit was redone, and made better, along with a nice easter egg mancannon on top of it that shoots cones and missile bodies.
    The size of the map is corrected in Mafia 2, which is on Avalanche. It was supposed to be originally named Pitsbourgh Mafia, but I decided I couldn't think of a place that would be really cold to match the snow theme.
    I'm uploading screenshots of that now, and adding a new thread for it.

    EDIT: A small update to the map was uploaded, which fixed the problems of the chopper spawning outside the Mafia base, and a spawn that was leftover from the old Mafia base was moved to the new one.
    #19 KilerG, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  20. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    Its a good version of cops and robbers but i would suggest a gametype

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