Blob? It might just be my computer but it looks like a giant blob of light to me. Nice title, though. It got me to click it.
a shotgun coming out of some light with the roof of foundry above it. There is a blob of light but that's not the whole pic
My computer also shows me a huge blob of light with a shotgun coming out of it. I guess thats a cool pic, you got the lighting effect with a spike grenade right?
What is with you and your obsession with spike grenades, man? They do make a nice effect, but not EVERY effect. still, unfortunately, this image is of poor quaity. the only defense for it is a good name, and a nice lighting effect. 1/5. ...and if this was meant as a Rick Roll, -1/5.
Is the shotgun the emerging hero? anyways the title really couaght my attention but this picture ruined it. it really is a blob of light. Its not noones computer.
Rick Roll?!?! why would this be a Rick Roll?!?!? Also i've never made a picture using spike grenades for an effect.
Awesome I actually really like it and it goes excellently with the title, your all out of your minds! 5/5
yeah.. there's not any actual person IN the shot... kinda lame with the shotgun being held straight up by a weapon holder. I think the lighting is a bit bright for the shot too. nice try, but i rate it a .5/5 (for the effort. sorry.)
Just a blob of light with a shotgun in it? Not very... original. Not very special dude, try better next time ;/ 1/5
i think its more than meets the eyes. like a hero is coming out of the light. idk people jump to conclusions