I'm trying to think of why hammers are equal/better than swords. Swords have a relatively quiet sound, and have lunge capabilities. While Hammers have very short range and are so loud and clumsy to me. Why is this a good weapon? Please, Educate me. I am ignorant of this topic. What makes Hammers a better choice than a sword in different situations?
I dont find them better than swords but they are one shot kill melee weapons,so why not? Why should the magnum be in the game,it is not better than a Br for accurate headshots and as a dual its pointless as it requires headshots to do decent damage
I'd rather have a Grav ham than the magnum, but honestly, the designers did make those the most ineffective weapons for multiplayer..
They didnt make them ineffective.They are there to be effetive in times where the primary weapon is not availible. Given a choice between a Br at inf ammo and a rocet launcher at inf ammo im going for the rocks every time and cackling while doing so. However we dont have access to the best weapons at all times everywhere. The point is variety.And to make that point heres a situation If you say wanted to make going up to melee against say the juggernaut a bad choice but dont want to make him go specifically go after people with his melee weapon then the hammer is much handier than the sword for this purpose.Its merely variety at work
And lets see you stop a quickly approaching vehicle of impending doom with your little plasma sword huh? The anti-vehicle melee weapon,ya RLY
So the hammers point is variety? Any other explanations? Yeah, the hammer can stop vehicles, that is true.
-Hammers can knock people off edges of platforms. -Hammers have a strong enough blast radius to deflect rockets. -Hammers have many more "shots" than the sword. -Hammers can knock oncoming vehicles out of the way. -Hammers also allow for higher jumps without loss of shields. Enough reasons for ya?
i think if you get good enough the hammer is better than a sword. I know i personally am horrible with the hammer but if you look at people in games like grifball the people with hammers can usually kill someone trying to use a sword
Without hammers there would be no Grifball. What the hell would we use to boost the bomb carrier? Our energy swords?
It's there for ambushes, and as an anti-vehicle weapon, which is only useful from a close range, unlike the rocket launcher, spartan laser and the missle pod. It adds some diversity into the weapon set. It also plays an important role in my upcoming map.
Also the pistol shots do not go on forever. Try it on Sandtrap. Get one guy or fusion coils and put them/it on the top of one of the structures. Go to the other and try to hit them/it. The bullets have a cutoff point.
Halo 3 removed the awsome cross-map sniping that was made possible by the magnum. Its now the most useless weapon. As for hammers, area damage, shockwave, and lulz.
I say the sword is better than the gravity hammer by far, depending on whos using it. If it is sword vs. sword you have an even fight but gravity hammer vs. sword the sword is still going to win.
Playing halo 2 I was like.. Oh my god Tartarus has a freakin hammer. I want it! Then Bungie put it in halo 3 and I was happy.
Reading Forge hub one day I was like.. Oh my god Mastar has a huge signiture. He should change it! Then he didn't change it and I was sad.