Orbital is not suppose to be a remake i actually stole the name lolz. heres a description of the map the brutes latest ship but hey have not finished it yet. watch your step... download link http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66721615 now for some screen shots! the huge pit flame thrower spawn two player spawn room below cat walk the other base that i didn't show you is exactly the same. enjoy!
your post is not up to date. you need to go to Photobucket or Imageshack, or another image hosting website and save your pics to your pc and then upload them there. then copy the image code into your post. You should do this within 24 hours or your post will be locked. if you need any help with this or anything else, feel free to message me or PM me.
Not only did you steal CosmicRick's Gravity Well- http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/52379-gravity-well.html You failed to post it correctly. congratulations moron
Map theft will not be tolerated, let this be a reminder to everyone. Although most of you know better. -