Halo IS a Red vs. Blue game. Have you ever played matchmaking? lol. jk jk, I know what you are saying. To have a game that followed the Red vs. Blue storyline would pretty sweet. However that would pretty much never happen. You couldn't have a game that is based off of a machinima, which by definition is the use of real-time three-dimensional (3-D) graphics rendering engines, often from video games, to create computer-generated imagery (CGI) for animated films. That's like redundant on three different levels, lol. I guess Bungie could release a game add-on that was a campaign version, but other than that, it's impossible. But I do see what you are saying. That would be epic.
I will shorten the staement about how generally cool but silly it would be. Halo-->RvB machinima-->RvB game-->Machinima made of RvB game(L337sauce)--->Paradox causing world xplosm
Haha, a Red vs Blue game? And have you heard, because of the success of the Lord of the Rings movies, they've released a series of books based on them! --- Seriously though, I think I vaguely understand what you mean, a game which uses the RvB machinima as the story and you play through the game as if you are one of the characters. My opinion, it would suck. It would be 1 step away from being a movie game, which are always quickly made to get as much money out of the movie as possible.
There is actually flash halo themed game titled red vs. blue that basically consists of two players trying to get from one base to the other to get a flag and bring it back to theirs. Basically retarded because the bases are two pixels apart from each other, you can't aim or jump or anything and warthogs are just wtf. When you say a "red vs. blue game" you are basically saying they should make a game of a machinima made in halo correct? Well, since the game that they ACTUALLY used is PLAYABLE you might as well say RPG instead of "game" because it's impossible to make a game of a game unless you are transforming it into flash or RPG.