GAS LEAK Download-fixed weapons PLEASE READ-I have fixed the power weapons ORGINS: Gas Leak started off as a facility that brought power to the surrounding colonies, until an epic explosion destroyed over half the facility. The damage was too much and the colony had to disband. The main pipe still leaks and there are frequent explosions. The UNSC found the facility and started training spartans in it. Soon after the battalion was sent away on a mission and no one has set foot on it in years...until now... OVERVIEW: Gas Leak is a small hexagonal slayer map on Avalanche, which from what i know, is completely break-proof...although you may be able to get out, but not under fire. It has one main room where most of the fighting goes on and much more. There is a ramp that leads to the sniper spot off of one of the hexagonal sides. Another side leads to the destroyed side of the facility, where under the walkway is a sword. Apart from the two sides(sniper & destroyed), there is one closed off side and three indented spawn/weapons rooms. Two of the rooms have BR's and SMGs and the third has two Carbines and a needler. Also in the very center there is a shotgun in the center of the gas leak. Above the leak there is an overshield. At the entrance of all of the three indents, there are assult rifles and/or radar jammer with plasma grenades. WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT LIST: (WARNING-the list may not be perfect, im going from memory) BRx4 SMGx2 Spikerx2 Carbinex3 Sniper Riflex1 Assult Riflex4 Needlerx2 Shotgunx1 Radar Jammerx1 Regeneratorx1 Bubble Shieldx1 Power Drainx1 Plasma Grenadesx8 Spike Grenadesx2 Overshieldx1 GAMETYPES: Right now only slayer is set up, but im working on king of the hill and will update the map as soon as possible. You can add your own hills if you would like. PEOPLE TO THANK: edak123 savingsquirrels my mom...for buying the TV PICTURES: Overview of the main room Battle in the great room with the sniper and destroyed areas in the background View from the top of the sniper room Top of Sniper room/tower thingy View of the main room and the three indents along the outside View of the destroyed room from the main room, and right below is the sword(not anymore) Someone about to get an easy kill in the destroyed room Someone using the gas leak to thier advantage Someone lit a match...(the gas exploded) SHORTKIDPENA!!!(and no there isnt a rocket in the game) PROPS TO-RYAN DAVIS for sneaking into my house...KADE...CONNOR...HUNTER...BRAD for being gay...AND SOME RANDOM GUY FOR JOINING MY GAME! in case u missed it: DOWNLOAD-fixed weapons
I like your layout in the map, interlocking looks a little sloppy in some places. But you are one of the few people that have made close quarters avalanche maps, and that, good sir, is pretty awesome in my opinion. I will download later when my hard-drive gets back.
thank you for the compliment on the close quarters avalanche map. im also open for any constructive critisism for a v2
Shotgun, Mauler, Sword and Sniper? Wow man, that's an overload. Remove 2 power weapons and leave 2. It's very creative of you but it looks like you can escape the map from the pics. I don't like the middle, it gives such bumpy game play. Dude, really consider your weapons placement. I'll just download just for the sake of looking around
I Agree with Frigid, remove the Mauler and Sword. Keep the Shotgun and Sniper. I like the idea of a map like this on Avalanche. 3/5, and I'll DL and check it out.
i understand the problem with the power weapons. so im going to fix them and the thread in a few minutes. until then can i please have no more comments on the weapons
i like the hallways but in the middle area it doesnt look too good; it needs neater fusing. but besides just some neatrer fusing it doesnt need much more and it is a good and fun map. i always like a good map out of foundry especially on avalanche 3/5
I like the fact that you took time to make a small FFA map on avalanche.. it isn't done enough in my opinion and there always soo much fun I think he was also trying to get the sword area to have a messy look... it's supposed to be "destroyed".. and i would DL but my spaces are all full ima give it a 4.5/5
^corectamunto^ As for the map it looks pretty sweet... (interlockz, ascetics, etc.). One problem I have with it is that there's a sword, shotgun, mauler, and a sniper. I know you've said don't comment and that you (supposedly) fixed it but still. Change the sword to a needler and the mauler to a brute shot (just a suggestion). Anyway apart from the weapon placement (my personal opinion) it looks awesome. Keep up the great forging!
I add to the notion of too many power weapons. Anyway I think it's splendid to see a small ffa map on avalanche. And it looks near impossible to escape. I like the gas leak concept, it makes for an interesting threat. I also like the destroyed room. It has some interesting geometry. Might induce camping, but I don't think that's a threat. Nice work otherwise, can't wait for a V2. 4/5 needs moar interlockzing. Jk.
I DL'ed immediately upon seeing the pictures, and it seems I was right to do so--this map is wonderful. You did one of the things that I love in forge maps (and that I'd like to see more of), and that is you based your map around a thought-out premise and made it look and FEEL like the place you described, right down to the leaky pipe that explodes when grenades go off nearby--something that not only adds to aesthetics, but impacts gameplay significantly. The only way I could see to improve upon this map is to color-code the boxes and make the sniper tower harder to camp (a good sniper could easly kill anyone coming up the tower by camping there and it would be difficult to stop them). All in all, you get a 4.5/5, but don't feel bad that it's not 5/5--think of it as a challenge to get you to push even farther on your next map!
It looks freakin' sweat but i am unsure about the bumpiness of it in the middle... like those things sticking in and out of the 2 bridges in bottom mid look unnecessary and might just serve to make the gameplay less enjoyable, but ill play it before i rate it...
I am asking a question to all the people who have actually played the map- do you think that i should make a v2 and is there many bumps that affect gameplay?
The map is really cool. i like how its like a sweet room in the middle to fight , and then here are other hallways and rooms to go into. all the rooms have a different feel to them too. i like the hallway where the boxes are all stacked on one another. thats cool. im going to download.
This map shows true artistic abilities. The layout is perfect for an intense slayer match. Anything is possible with the wide variety of weapons and equipment. All in all, this map gets a thumbs up!
This is some amazing interlocking skills man. The interlocking is so clean. I really like the way you made the map as well the design is awesome. Great job on your forging i can tell that this is going to be a very fun map to play on.....ill be downloading dont worry=) Great job man!!!
Please if you are going to spam at all...please don't spam on my thread. And i would like you to elaborate on what makes it a mess and is sloppy. I bet that you probably didn't even read the first part of my thread, so it doesn't make sense to you. So please after you actually read and play the map, rate it appropriately. I don't see any of your maps that have any hope whatsoever, and you should probably stick to masturbating in your room...Thank you
I've never been attracted to any Avalanche map.... Why are the boxes such odd colors? Yuck! Your map looks decent to me, but I am not DLing it sorry... I just don't like the look of Avalanche maps and this one doesn't stand out enough for me to get it.