Heroic DLC Lateralus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Hey, sorry it took a while to post in our maps thread. I cant believe its finally done! It seemed like the testing would never end.

    Even though we had a rough spot there towards the end of testing this map im glad its been resolved and that we finished this map. Im very satisfied with the effort you and me put into this. If we werent both so damn determined (que determined by mudvayne) then i dont think this would have ever gotten out.

    Thanks guys for the help with spawns, testing, and design. We couldnt have done it without you. Also thanks to the posters in this thread, this is one of the first times in a while that i havent seen an idiot ruin a thread.

    If anyones interested in more maps by me or adelyss just check out our fileshares, you will find some sweet stuff! I currently have 5 MLG projects in the making so look for those in the coming months.
  2. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Let me just say it was a blast testing with you Adelyss, and this map incorporates many different elements into one game. The aesthetics are masterful and unrivaled in any other map to date. The geometry also greatly adds to the over all epicness of the gameplay. I really want to see this map move on to bigger and better things but for now, great job.
  3. Dragon Antares

    Dragon Antares Ancient
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    About The Map

    I just want to say that this map is incredible. The Geo-merging is very clean and design is beautiful. The presentation of the map is very nicely done, with the pictures the picture title, history and story. I hope that you guys can get this into Bungie Favorites.J

    Presentation 10/10
    Pictures 10/10
    Original 10/10
    Merging 10/10
    Game Play 10/10
    Weapons 10/10
    Credits 10/10

    Dragon Antares
  4. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    Oh nom nom nom nom nom! this map is so delicious! i had so much fun testing this with you! it plays with good groups of people( i don't care what it says 4v4 works good as well)

    @Dragon Antares: Adelyss has had maps on bungie favorites before! so more chance, less chance? i dunno!

    @adelyss: back to the map um ya so like 5/5 outta for this map it's fantastic!
  5. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Well let me say it was a blast having you help test it and also about the aesthetics that what we were going for is new styles and ideas for aesthetics and I guess we completed that which is what we wanted.

    Thanks for the good overall review with numbers, but like I've mentioned before bungie favorites right now is only community spot lights which means you have to be part of a community which gets their stuff on favorites...so yeah as much as I would like that wont be happening.

    Well I would really not suggest 4v4 even though you suggest otherwise because the spawns will get iffy with more people than a 3v3.
  6. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Wow...this map is breath taking. I can definately tell the aesthetics are there, I want to test out the playability of it now. It looks like it will play great, and it does according to almost everyone on this thread. I will DL and get a few games in and come back with my review later
  7. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
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    Very nice! I like the "Magnet" structures. Looks like there is plenty of cover provided etc. I also love the geomerging and interlocking, very nice and clean :)

    Q'd for DL!
  8. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    You're not going to thank me for the countless hours (approximately... 1,5 hours added together) looking at it? [​IMG] Haha, just kid'n.

    The magnet is pretty useless though IMO, it's just another shape with some unnecessary enhancements. It does give the map a certain feel though. It feels like some kind of covenant outpost, yet it's human green, very nice.
    Oh, and it was pretty courageous to put 2 snipers on the map. It worked well though i persume? Definately custom game material.
    The cave is a really good addition, giving the map a lot of depth. I like the balcony on the south side as well.
  9. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Fantastic job on this amazing-looking map. Your geomerging and interlocking are flawless and your layout seems perfect for some capture the flag =). It looks like you really put a lot of effort into this map and I just can't wait to try it out. If the quality of the gameplay is at all close to the quality of the aesthetics I expect a feature!
  10. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Whoa this is what you would call a map.Ever structure is very neat, very clean and very architectural.All the interlocking and Geo-merging is very neat, This is keeper.Good job.10/5 Really sick.
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks like spam ill report and take a look.
    I played on this map and it was epic awesomesauce. The hexagonal type structures are awesome and the forging is absolutely flawless. Great Job on this map dude. Feature nao!
  12. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    I must say Adelyss, this map truly surprised me when you first showed it to me. Your forging skills have definitely improved, and you and hezbolla did an excellent job making sure every object on this map was precise.

    I've had the chance to play the map several times as you know, and I enjoyed every game on it. I think Team King or Team Slayer were my favorite games on it. Team King proved to have solid and tight gameplay as well as slayer did. The objective gametypes were fun, but to be honest, maybe could've been better if the layout would've been different. I wish there were more entrances to the defenders base. There's pretty much 3 routes but only one way to get to the base, which made planting the bomb or stealing the flag very hard in asymmetric games. It's a design flaw, but a very common flaw in most maps. I can't blame you as I'm a victim of it myself.

    I'd do an in-depth review for you if you would like... especially if you're thinking about doing a v2. I would give you a good review now, but I haven't studied the map in depth enough really. Tell you what, I'll come back with a review anyway.
  13. Tru7h

    Tru7h Ancient
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    I've never seen another map that's similar to this one, it's so unique looking. I don't think there's ONE object that isn't interlocked. Your interlocking talent is outstanding,I hope to see more maps from you in the future.
  14. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    looks really well done all the merging and interlocking looks professional i havent played a game on it yet but by the looks its very eye pleasing good job keep the good work up...
  15. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Yeah that is true I suppose but thats just mainly how the geometry is set up, so basically to get into the base you just have to wipe them out first then run in...which I guess is normal if you think about it because thats what you do with any gametype.

    Also yeah personally through all the times of trying to fix KoTH spawns it turned out pretty fun.

    Thats what we were going for is a new styled map that no ones seen before and I guess we accomplished that.

    Well I do highly recommend you to get a game on it...sure the aesthetics may be pleasing but the game play is also.
  16. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Well that was the point of this map, we wanted a map with styles that have never been seen before. If the interlocking implesses you then im sure you would be glad to know that there are only about 10 immovable objects on this map that are touching Foundry's geometry and arent geomegred!

    Gameplay is fantastic i would suggest you play some games on it too besides just telling us that the map looks aesthetically pleasing.
  17. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Vey neetly done.Some things I liked were the,
    And the way you made those Boxes curl in and out of the wall like that!
    The only thing that sucked was the weapon placement.
    Overall very niceley done.
  18. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Well if thats the only complaint you have then im guessing you like the map? BTW weapons were done by Adelyss and Vorpal Saint helped out some.

    If youre not into "matchmaking" weapons (smg, needler, assault rifle, etc) then im sure you would be delighted to know that an MLG FFA or MLG 2v2 version is in the works and should be done sometime in the next few weeks. The map is unbudget glitched while still maintaining the all the aesthetics (minus barrels and other non MLG items) and currently the weapons list is 6 BRs and 2 carbs.
  19. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    I played this a little while ago and if this gets featured im the 2ND to say so. Thanks to bl4ckhawk im 2nd. :[ But oh, well. Your forging skills are those to be applauded to. I mean this map looks incredible and almost any gametype would work for this map. Every thing is either interlocked or geomerged and you still didn't over do it. GREAT JOB!! 5.5/5
  20. itzHavey

    itzHavey Ancient
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    This is such a clean and well made map. I bet this took a long time to come up with the design, i love yr geomerging skills as well. This map will defiently get a download from me, this is one of the better maps and cleaner maps i have seen today.....great map man 10/10

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