just my SOTW entry and i wanted to know what you thinked... nothing to harsh though smaller one: i hate using the brush it always comes out weird ex. center lines
Its pretty big, I would have liked if it was a little smaller, but its very original in my opinion and looks nice. We just have to see how it does against the other entrys in voting. Good job, are the circles a render or a stock or drawn by hand?
i like it, but it could be a tad smaller. the center is a tad overblurred and since there's no actual focal, my eyes are drawn to the outer sides of the sig, and those two things end up making my eyes watery and ****-eyed. looks good at a glance, but there's no such thing as at-a-glance judging.
I agree with the other posts saying its too big. Also the center vertical lines look a little bit low quality. I really like the circles though. If you fix the size and maybe the center vertical lines it would look superb.
to answer both yes i was thinking it should be smaller and im am going to make it and also i made most of the circles some of the others came with the stock also to go with my main post its really hard to make good looking lines in photoshop (at least that i know of) so dont say the middle is of low quality. i tried my best