Is Anyone Good at Making Teleporter Doors, or Fixing the Infinite Budget Glitch?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'm making my map, but I'm using the infinite budget glitch and I accidentally had 0 Grav Lifts on the map at one point, so I can't use the shield door/grav lift in weapon holder combo to stop humans getting through the doors, but let zombies safely through, because I can't place the last two grav lifts

    Hence I need to make one of those doors where when you walk into it, you teleport through it (obviously only one way). But I'm really **** at making them, so I need some help. Is anyone willing to help, preferably someone who is better at it than me? Some experience at doing it would be nice too.

    Alternatively, does anyone know how to fix the infinite budget glitch? I dunno how it works, all I know is that the run time maximum is set each individual object's limit, so if you place all of one item and then delete one, you can't place anymore of that object, and you must have at least 1 of every object on the map at all times for it to work.

    There are two grav lifts on the map, but when I deleted the grav lift that was outside the map, the grav lifts weren't on the map (they were set to not respawn at start). Can anyone get the last two grav lifts back? I really need them now.
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    To fix the budget glitch, simply lower the run time max of every object to its lowest point possible. If your map is within the original budget, you should have a few dollars left to spare.

    From there you need to get a few dollars spare so you can re budget glitch your map. the more money you have to spare, the quicker this process is. Start a new forge session. From there, max out the runtime max of any one single object, then save and quit. Restart forge and do this for every object. It takes a while, so be prepared to kill a lot of time.
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I doubt it's within original budget boundaries. I just want the budget fixed for one object: Grav lifts.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Sadly that is the only way to fix the budget glitch once an object has been deleted.
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Any chance of you helping me make a couple of tele-doors Draw?
  6. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    IM really good at fixing them but better at breaking them... ive fixed bout 3 n one was almost done phreakie had worked on it a long time but sadly gave it up after i fixed it due to new ideas... add me GT: STK OW GURR....
    i can nearly fix nething... as long as u have some money left or are willing to part with a few USELESS things from the budget glitch until i get it back like the Wrath... Chopper... Road Block... now if u are using only one of an object i will delete the budget glitch version... also if u already have one double box there is no reason to have an extra 12$ worth of one rotting in the corner... but add me ill fix it but HURRY cause im leaving SOON and wont be home til tonight

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