I've been forging on Skybox a lot, but I've found something very annoying. whenever I am lining up double walls on the grid to make a floor, i take a lot of time to check the smoothness of the floor. After a save an exit and restart the walls have magically shifted and the floor is horribly bumpy. Anyone can test this, it is VERy annoying This happens with interlocked walls too. I don't know if it affects other objects like blocks
I heard that interlocking the walls slightly together will fix this problem, but I am not entirely sure as I don't have the MMP.
I know it effects walls (they just tip up on one side) and it effects boxes after a certain amount are stacked up. I believe Sarge said something about interlocking them all together to solve it, but I don't think that it worked. Also, and this is just my idea mind you, you could try to slightly geomerge the objects into the ground. That should hold them down right?
Yes, members such as Insane has discovered this as well. It appears that when placing walls on their sides they tend to shift themselves by 2 degrees or so. I believe it was Orangeremi who stated it is impossible to make a flat floor of walls. If you want it to be smooth make your surface from blocks or something similar.
Um.. pardon the off topic part. But you get the MPP by code? on Bungie? And i don't really know alot about the MPP because i never really tried to gather information about it.
It effects any wall piece and wooden bridges. Every other piece that I have tested is fine. Twas my discovery. =)
lawlz Snake... This is going tobea major forging problem but this is why my primary forging mab will stay as foundry. We already know almost everything about it already anyway...
Does anyone think there will be some sort of update that will fix this problem, because it may not even make me want to forge there. well, almost.
Also, using walls as floor would put people right next to the death barrier when they are walking around. I would find it kind of strange to fall one inch and then die. So using boxes as floors would be better anyway.
is it possible to stack the walls on something like double "blocks" (LAWL) and then it is flat? is this on all 3 levels? and is the only way to fix it to tilt them and then so they untilt themsleves.... or is that also impossible? further more does it effect walls at all placements and angles or only flat (ex _= / but does \ = -- ) lol that looks confusing but i think u can follow me.
Well, that seems like an easy problem to work around. Simply put the walls down as usual, let them do their thing, and then put more walls on top of them and delete the ones below. You just have to make your floor float.
If anyone does manage to make a floor made entirely of walls, put it up for download, as it will gain more popularity than most good competetive maps. A floor templatey thing would be very helpful for FH.
Is it random, or is there some way you could compensate for it? Also, can you place items directly on the grid as if it were a floor or do you have to save glitch them?