I too would like to see this fixed, having already forged a good bit on sandbox. The walls make such amazing floors, and Its really unfortunate that they curl up. Other than that, Im having a blast with the maps. Occasionally gotta find a way around the oddly chipped blocks, but that only affects certain designs of them. Interlocking usually makes it worse.
Yes, but I bet you that was deliberation on Bungie's part. They don't like interplox much. It wasn't intended. Interlocking also seems to make floors more bumpy if the floors are the double box equivalents.
The Block Double aka Double box is very corroded and chipped away in some areas. the worn edges are a bit rounded so that interlocking them causes dips. The rest of the pieces are generally okay, but the Block Double is pretty beat up.
So does this mean the days of geomerging and interlocking are over, as far as Sandbox goes? Or do these techniques still have potential?
They still have potential in the right uses, but you no longer NEED them. Interlocking minor things for neatness is still recommended, but you have pieces to make all kinds of different shapes that you'd need interlocking to do before. Geomerging isnt ever going to be necessary again, but Cosmic Rick found use for it to make a clever defenders base on the middle layer of Sandbox. If you can find a way to do it and make it look good, its not dead.
It'll probably require a lot more skill and/or luck to make the merges acceptable from now on. I'm not going to bother with merging anymore personally. Foundry was the glitch-fest map and its time has passed.
Old fashioned way. Its far more difficult and I only recommend doing it where you need it... Which most times you wont.
I'm probably the only person that can only do the old fashioned way for Geo-Merging if I'm hearing this right.
I could do it if I gave it a shot, but I only tend to merge with walls, if anything at all. And then I use the door method nine times out of ten.
did you see the pics of Cosmic's map in the announcement?? Trust me, you aren't the only one lol. Merging was around long before the door method was
Yeah, I've been doing the "old fashioned" way for forever, because I find it to be more accurate, and seems way more accurate than the "door method" However, that's just me. Either way, we can all agree that Geo-Merging is a major pain ForgeHub's ass.
well, for the most part, its not needed. Unless youre going for something like Cosmic did there in the sand. There's enough variety in the pieces that both interlocking and merging will be much less prevalent
I think the time I left Halo was just before the door method was found. I remember reading a tutorial here on Forgehub on the pasty white skin you guys used to have. lol
I don't think people will merge and interlock at the beginning because no one else is doing it. I think the only think that would make us try to interlock everything is if it becomes a standard for making a good map, which it should never be. I still think eventually interlocking will become standard, but genious map design will stand out over interlocking in the long run. Personally, I will probably interlock all of my floors just because I hate the look of the crack. However, I will probably only interlock the things that would only look good interlocked, such as the floors. I'll probably never geomerge again accept for novel purposes though.
You guys are forgetting that there are many more object now that can be used to make floors. Block Huge is a great one that even interlocks itself slightly to prevent gaps and only makes very small hops. It's also half as thick as a lock double when laid on its side. Open your minds and remember there are other options.