This is just a place where people can see my work. Abduction Iron Man Hammer of Dawn Eyes of Zeus Sorcerer Sorcerer 2 Sorcerer 3 Honor Guard Come get some Abduction redone Abduction redone. Yet again. (I am a little obsessed with this...) File share Recent screenshots Gallery I will add more pictures as they come. If this is the wrong place to post a portfolio, please tell me so I can place it in the right place.
Sorry, but why are there 19 views, and no comments? Common, this is a thing for constructive criticism
First one (the modded one ) is alright, but there is nothing really going on. Some effects might be cool. Get some dino's dancing on the ship maybe 4/5 I've seen too many ones like Iron Man. 2/5 Hammer of Dawn is good. But it isn't even a hammer of dawn so maybe a better name. 4/5 Maybe if the person in eyes of zeus was looking up to the eyes it would be cool. (I can see the last to pics are the same but different angle ) 3/5 Yes right place for picturez! Edit: You have some more really cool ones in your recent screen shots that you should upload.
Okay, thank you. IT IS NOT MODDED. That Iron man was the second one made. The Hammer of dawn one, I choose the name because to me it seemed as though stuff was coming down. As for Eyes of Zeus, I thought that the Spartan was bending over, and then the image of Zeus appeared in the sky. And in order to get that effect, it took perfect timing and placement. And which ones should I upload?
Oh ic. Respawn area/hill. Forge 035 looks really cool. You need some more effects in your pictures. Some pictures look cool without any but some look amazing this is my bud and he does some cool ones maybe you'll get some ideas. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Keep it up. P.S. My drunk brother says you should be more sweet.
eh... dont like em. the last 2 just, arent a good blend of colors and the first i have no reason dislike them, i just do.
What a newb, how is it modded. It is just a respawn area. Come to forgehub and don't know what a respawn area looks like, so as soon as you see one. OMG HAXORZ REPORZ TWOS BUNGIIE. LAWL, but the pictures look nice though. The eyes of Zeus scared the crap out of me. The hammer of dawn didn't look to good. Also the iron man one is very un-origional but good never the less.
Ph u. If you had eyes you would notice that I already realized this. And I thought it was a mod because I saw a mod that looked exactly like this one but instead of the respawn area it was the mancannons that shot you up. And I'm pretty sure I didn't say OMG HAXORZ REPORZ TWOS BUNGIIE. I said (the modded one ) And if you knew anything about reporting to bungie about mods its that the actual file has to be modded you can take pictures and films of mods and you won't get banned if you put them on your file share. Soooooooo stfu kthxbi.
Guys, please stop flaming each other. This is just a place where you guys can provide constructive criticism. And just to let you know, this Iron man was the second one that was ever made. And I will be adding more images now.
haha the dropship one looks really cool but the iron man one doesnt really look like him, overall the pictures are very original. Nice job
Wow. The new ones are all really cool! I like the Sorcerer 1 - 3 and Abduction Redone a lot. Abduction redone. Yet again I don't really like though. Old timey doesn't really fit the picture. And I don't really like Come get some either. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Come get some was just a name I made up. It is a glitch you can do with energy swords and gravity hammers. If you want I can tell you how.
No I know how. Not that amazing :S. Also. Forge 115 is really cool. Background is amazing. Think of a cool name like 'Shocking' or 'l0lz i h4z L!T3n1InGz' then put it up.
i definetly say scorcher 1 and the eyes of zeus are the best. you kinda ruined it with scorcher 2 and three... as it shows the weapons hes holding. also have you seen tropic thunder? scorcher 1,2,3,4,5 and scorcher 6, meltdown! XDDD
Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys, but school and swimming take up a lot of my time. Why would I get banned for that sword glitch. There are no real 'mods' involved, just the use of correct timing.
liked the last three the best, in the first u cna't rly see the spartan just sayin. 4/5 for last 3 and 2/5 overall, and clearly its not modded stuff, king of the hill stuff was used for the abducted photos.