What i mean is, when a member is making a map for forge hub... what is insipiering him to make the map like what is telling him what is a good layout. i personaly think its them seeing an area in a movie or tv show and realising "hey that is a really good layout i can make that!" so what do you think?
I personally get inspiration from the default maps or parts of maps I play from other games. Or I could just be like, wow this is a great view point, if there were a more of a heavy traffic area below here it make for some sweet team support, how could I make this but with more traffic through the area below? Or something like that.
Well, the first thing i think of is trying to make my new map original an different from others. I do this by thinking of things that have not been done before or structures that havn't been made before. Then after a couple good structures, you have a layout and you can build of that.
i try to take inspiration from the original halo 1,2 and 3 maps. in my opinion they include the best map aspects adapted to halo. i like to look for inspiration in other fps as well.
I just think of cool layouts, never really think of Halo when I'm watching TV. now that I think of it, you could get a lot of great ideas from different programs.
I personally believe in being spontaneous. What I do is I think of what my main structure in the map is going to be. Once I have it, I will build around it, thinking to myself...What could be good here?....Or, How can I balance this vehicle out with the other side. Something along the lines of that. Once I begin building around the center, the map will kinda just take off from there. Edit: However, I do on occasion take the geometry from other maps and apply it to my own. I've never gotten idea's from watching TV, but I'm sure there is something out there. lol.
I first make the main structure then I make one or two sniper towers and build around that. Somrtimes I get ideas from other maps and make little changes.
Usually for me it's "Omg, this part of this map would be SO much better if..." Toying with a concept and making it my own, then building something unique around it. Sometimes I think of a game type that needs a special style of map to play on.