I don't really like it that much I mean it's OK but It is really short. Also from the video it looks like you fall off way to often and the jump and grav lifts can turn you around. It would be alot better if you could make a bank turn instead of the flat thing which aren't fun. Bank turns are hard to do but they are so much funner trust me lol. 3/5
You might want to change the name of this track because adrenaline has already been taken by last_chaos_7. I'm surprised he didn't say anything since he posted right above me. Here's the link to itadrenaline On to the track. It looks awesomesaucely forged (yes. awesomesaucely. jealous?). It's a little short but looks very fun and exciting. i'll DL
Yeh, well u suck chode and eat ****, no I'm jokin and ye, you do fall off quite a bit until you get used to the feel of the tracjs and wot do you mean by 'the flat thing'
The flat thing I am referring to is the 180 interlocked turn bact to start after the jump. If you could make that whole thing a bank it would be really nice =)
To be honest I thought you were just gonna be an absolute dickhead and tell me i cant improve coz its too shitty, but actually you are right, that would make it more interesting, well at least some people give good constructive critisism.
I think you'll find I was the one who posted a map called Adrenaline before him, so if anyone should change it, it's him!
I'm not sure if anyone has told you this but when you go through the tele-porters you can jump straight through the window panels.
Very good. For your first decent use of interlocking this is amazing. But it is kind of short. The 180 turn is amazing. Make a v2 and make the 180 turn on it too. Make it your signature for all the racing maps you make. Great job. 4.8/5
Thankyou somebody finally tells me something new. I'm not really making any more racetracks right now, I've got one still in the making but I really cba with it. Thanks but can someone plz tell me something other than it's a little small.
Though this track is flat, boring, short, hard, stupid, and ridiculous, it's actually quite good. Lol jk Dave keep up the good work ^_^
nicely done.The start is nice on how it is timed .Nice job using the correct use of the gravity lift-weapon holder.And nice smooth floors for nice banked turns.Try using stairs.Anyway i could see this map being enjoyable.Nice dude!
I played this for a little while and it seemed descent enough. That 180 degree turn is flawless. But, then on other parts it looked liked you rushed a little. The grav lift assisted turn was kind-of sloppy considering you go all over the place while on it. Maybe you could try to fix up the rough edges around the map. If you did, it would look and feel way better than it already is whle riding on it. For now, 3.5/5 because I liked your use of creativity and i've never seen a racetrack like this.
Cheers, and thanks for the idea but I can't see myself remaking this track in the near future... unless I make a sandbox version...
Everything is perfect besides the shortness :/ Would have given 5/5 if it was longer. 4/5 Awesome map though!