FREEZER BURN by DRST13497A ~Download Freezer Burn~ ~Download Freezer Burn w/o light effects~ ~Download Battle Tracks Gametypes~ SUMMARY: Freezer Burn is a map I made in 2008 that was forgotten about for a long time. Recently, I dug it out from the bottom of my Avalanche map variants and reforged it, making the ending essentially alot smoother. Originally called Anomaly, this track features a large mancannon hill followed by a banked turn and long straightaway back to the start. This is my first (and last, Avalanche is a pain to Forge tracks on) track on Avalanche. PICS: Start Downhill Uphill Banked Turn Downhill Straightaway Turn up to Finish If you missed DL above: ~Download Freezer Burn~ ~Download Freezer Burn w/o light effects~ ~Download Battle Tracks Gametypes~
looks like a good racer overall , good interlocking, but i suggest adding a little more interesting parts into the map such as jumps, rainbow turns, etc. or it starts to get on the boring side.
Hey I see you have posted this map and It looks alot better from when I saw it when there were the jumping issues lol. It looks pretty good I'll DL and then I'll rate it.
I used to have a jump. It failed horribly. That's why this is for Battle Tracks. Quasar would get extremely boring if you weren't fighting for your life every ten seconds. Get my point?
Looks a lot like Meltdown in the design but it's a little different. You have good interlocking and the track looks smooth. I really like the looks of that banked turn. I'll DL and check it out.
It wasnt really that smooth actually, yes its alittle like the meltdown layout,but this one isnt that good.
i have got melt down and this just feels like a remake but i can see the effort put into the map i i think you deserve a applause even if the layout isent that origanal
Im the Maker of Meltdown and this does look like meltdown. But i got to say this is very cool.I like how the bank turns into a drop.Only thing is try to work on your interlocking, Kind of sloppy. Besides that its very fun and neat.4/5
Its fun. Nice and smooth interlocking, competitive, and fun. But its short. Make a v2 though but longer and maybe bigger. Overall nice job 4.5/5
Very nice track.There are good things and bad things as to good news and bad news,the good news is the tracks and effects themselves.But,bad news,the track course has been done so many wow.It is okay though.