Why is it that when I try and set an original box from foundry to not spawn till 180s and restart round that I can't delete the box? It's not a big deal, though I'd like to know why cause I kinda want to use all the default stuff plus all the normal stuff too....
using the defaults for maps can usually ending up in great maps with great gameplay, especially if you use the basic methods of placing objects like foundry did, then it makes it amazing! But i'm sorry, i cannot answer your question... maybe move the box a little and then it might work.
problem is, you can't even grab it after the round has restarted(and yes the items were moved beforehand)
This happens when you load up the game, and items are set to not respawn at start appear, but they're not grabbable. They're just there. Restart the round and they'll be workable.
I know about that one Fish, I'm talking about within the same game Edit: oh and if you've looked at my map yet Fish you can tell I'm not a newb. I've been around the block more than a few times inside of Forge, so if I ask about something then its probably something to make note of....