I like it. The yellow orbs remind me of spirits from some book I read. I think it was Brisingr. Anyways. I like how the spartan isn't looking at you but the sniper is shoved in your face. I think it would've looked better without the katana though. 4/5. 5/5 with no katana. Retake?
Wow, yet another sniper pic.Sorry, tired of no originallity.Lots of pics of snipes.This one gets a 2/5.
Everything is original because everything is different. Sooner or later there will be no originality in the world if people keep thinking like that. I like it.
Very tremendous angle. I love the selection of weapons. The lighting has a couple flaws... Overall its pretty cool 3.5\5.
It's not really that great. All it is is a real close up. No effects nothing. Especially on blackout. So i'm not feeling it 2/5
the pic looks really cool. i think it would of been sweet if he was looking up. almost epic. still really good.