Tell me if I'm wrong, but, I believe the trails come from some of the newer effects available on Sandbox.
That guy is supposed to be a good halo photagrapher? Looks pretty basic to me. I an almost guarantee alot of folks who got the maps and have seen anything to do with Tron in the past has made a screenshot like this. Hell I even onsidered it.
nice pic i like those trails plus its sandbox 4/5 good job mentioning its not you rs or you would get in trouble by forge hub cool pic plain though except trail
I agree with waylander. Very basic. If he's meant to be a good screenshot taker then he needs to do things that take more thought than this. Sandbox grid and two ghosts Just doesn't appeal to me. and why are you posting it anyway it isn't your picture. You better hope you have his permission Whether it has a reference or not my opinion stays the same. I base my opinion on the picture even if it is a reference from a game
I guess you don't get the reference in the picture. It almost looks like a scene directly from Tron. The grid, the trails, the ghosts (although Brute Choppers would have been better, imo) It's the first of it's kind, so it makes it unique.
Would take a complete moron to not get the reference, but it still sucks dude. Unique does not always equal good. Maybe he should try being creative. And I very much doubt it's the first of it's kind. Hell Bungie themselves have made the reference to tron cycles before anyone even had the maps.
that pic is sweet. not two days after the new maps come out things like this are being done. very nice job. 5/5