I noticed there's not a whole lot of vehicle pictures around, and I've never really taken a shot at it, either. So this is what I came up with. Let me know how it is. Link to it's details.
Very cool. So what I think of it is that all of those screenshots like yours(Mongoose screenshots in particular)Is that they always have that same angle,I saw one just like that,Was that your inspiration? On Topic:This is very good because I love the colors and I must say this is one of your best. 6.5/10.
I didn't exactly have any inspiration for it. Just thought "I shouild try some vehicle shots." The main reason mongoose shots have this angle is probably because not a whole lot of other angles look great for a mongoose. But I'll probably try a few more shots and hopefully get something more fresh.
the picture is really nice. i like this pic more than others i see because the guy is wearing black armor. i looks sweet. nice job with the lighting.